When we arrived at the camp site a couple of weeks ago I found the solar controller showing HVD which I had never seen before. Got the book out and it is High Voltage Disconnect. When I started the Pajero the DC to DC was outputting 16.1V.
Got around to having a look at it over the weekend. With the Pajero running at 1500rpm I took some measurements. The Pajero at the battery was 14.25V, the input to the DC to DC was showing 13.72V, and the output was 16.66V. The DC to DC was showing 10 amps to the house batteries.
Would appreciate some views on what is happening.
Aussie Paul.
-- Edited by aussie_paul on Monday 28th of October 2019 01:15:00 PM
First thoughts. 16v plus into your batteries will cook them, disconnect them from the dcdc until you work things out. Have you used it very long and is it wired correctly ? Have you set the battery chemistry profile and can you check how it is currently configured ? Except for dcdc, is anything else connected in between alternator and battery ? Your output voltage is too high.
Since my last post I have removed the DC to DC charger, and now showing at the battery 14.2 and is pumping 3.8 amps into batteries. No solar connected for all this testing. Before I fired up the Pajero the batteries were showing 13.09V. In my simple set up it appears to me I don't really need the DC to DC charger. Glad it was only a cheapie.
First thoughts. 16v plus into your batteries will cook them, disconnect them from the dcdc until you work things out. Have you used it very long and is it wired correctly ? Have you set the battery chemistry profile and can you check how it is currently configured ? Except for dcdc, is anything else connected in between alternator and battery ? Your output voltage is too high.
Hi dabbler, it has been running as it should for a couple of years. I remember a trip of two ago that the batteries at 9pm were a little low and I was needing the CPAP so started the Pajero and it was pumping around 17 amps, which is what I would have expected.
Where is the DC-DC charger in relation to the van batteries? Close by?
Is the DC-DC charger temperature compensated?
What was the battery temperature?
16vdc sounds like an equalisation charging voltage. Just check there isn't a dip switch set wrong and it has attempted to do a flooded cell battery equalise cycle
T1 Terry
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
Any links to any sites or products is not an endorsement by me or do I gain any financial reward for such links
First thoughts. 16v plus into your batteries will cook them, disconnect them from the dcdc until you work things out. Have you used it very long and is it wired correctly ? Have you set the battery chemistry profile and can you check how it is currently configured ? Except for dcdc, is anything else connected in between alternator and battery ? Your output voltage is too high.
Hi dabbler, it has been running as it should for a couple of years. I remember a trip of two ago that the batteries at 9pm were a little low and I was needing the CPAP so started the Pajero and it was pumping around 17 amps, which is what I would have expected.
Aussie Paul.
Was that with the DC to DC charger connected? Without the DC to DC charger the house battery would have been very low to get 17 amps to flow along that length of cable without the house battery voltage climbing to the point the alternator could no longer push that much current.
T1 Terry
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
Any links to any sites or products is not an endorsement by me or do I gain any financial reward for such links
Was that with the DC to DC charger connected? Without the DC to DC charger the house battery would have been very low to get 17 amps to flow along that length of cable without the house battery voltage climbing to the point the alternator could no longer push that much current.
When we arrived at the camp site a couple of weeks ago I found the solar controller showing HVD which I had never seen before. Got the book out and it is High Voltage Disconnect. When I started the Pajero the DC to DC was outputting 16.1V.
Got around to having a look at it over the weekend. With the Pajero running at 1500rpm I took some measurements. The Pajero at the battery was 14.25V, the input to the DC to DC was showing 13.72V, and the output was 16.66V. The DC to DC was showing 10 amps to the house batteries.
Would appreciate some views on what is happening.
Aussie Paul.
If you are running a three way fridge on 12v and charge house batteries as you travel through a dc-dc charger...
Disconnect the solar charger and see what the readings are.
-- Edited by aussie_paul on Monday 28th of October 2019 01:15:00 PM
Cheers, Richard (Dick0)
"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"
"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".