I have been on the same site for several weeks connected to mains power. Yesterday when using an air heater it stopped running. I tried it in a different power point and it worked again.
Later in the day I noticed I had no power in the van and after investigating with the manager the power had tripped in the power box for this site but not in van.
This morning I turned on jug from a different point and it tripped the power at the mains box again.
The fridge and HWS and microwave all run ok but turning on appliances seem to trip it outside in the parks power box.
Any thoughts before I call the electrician?
DMaxer, get yourself a portable "PAT tester" to check your own powerpoints circuits and appliances, leads etc. First off change your lead to van to ascertain if there is a short circuit, then check portable appliances one by one at power post - go from there.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Thanks Possum. I just spoke with an auto electrician friend who told me to try another mains outlet as he thought it strange that mains tripping and not van.
I will get started.
You might be right Bob. it has worked for ten weeks and it just seemed strange that first of all a heater on a power point stopped and then this morning the kettle on another.
The park is pretty old and over the long weekend I remember someone camped near me complained that the mains he was using was not for caravan parks.
I have checked the lead from the mains to the van and that is okay. Just odd that the fridge, micro and electric blanket all work at the same time but add one more and sayonara power.
I don't know if changing outlets will work as they are all controlled by the one power board.
Thanks for the suggestions Bob. If anyone else has any ideas they are more than welcome.
The plot thickens!
I unhooked the inlet from the van and plugged the jug into the cord and it tripped the switch at the mains powe box.
I then reset the trip switch and plugged back into van. All power restored. I then plugged phone charger into same power points that heater and jug had been connected to and all worked. I thought the jug must be the problem so tried it on another power point in camp laundry and it worked.
So jug trips if plugged in to pp in van or directly into mains power cord but works if plugged in to different power supply.
This has done my head in. Any suggestions would be welcome.
That was my thought too Frank but if it was faulty would it still allow the fridge, HWS and micro to still function. They all are switched on and working it just seems the minute I plug something else in it trips.
I have been on the same site for weeks with all things functioning without drama and then all of a sudden this. Seems very odd.
Any thoughts?
Hey bigD stop being a stingy old bugga and go buy a new kettle mate
Edit....as another thought, you could always use your genne instead. Just make sure the gene is on the ground and not your van cos it my put van over weight. If you use the gene at 2am no one will hear it as they will be asleep. You can thank me later mate.
-- Edited by Dougwe on Thursday 18th of June 2020 12:40:49 PM
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Old CP, old Power-post - Just select one item at a time - even the fridge could be taken out of circuit for short periods this time of year - The Chief was talking with a forked tongue I fear regarding times of Gennie nevertheless, it can assist if unable to hook into two power posts.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Tripping could be by overload or by earth leakage current. An electric jug by itself is not likely to cause a trip, so it must be earth leakage. With earth leakage, it only takes a certain leakage current to trip the breaker. From memory, it was 30 milliamps. That is not much, and it is sensed by the device comparing the incoming current to the current which returns to the neutral circuit. Any difference over a certain limit, the breaker trips. Your jug might have some leakage. Add this to some leakage at the power box and if the total leakage exceeds the limit, the breaker trips. Plugging the kettle into another outlet might temporarily fix the problem by drying out the electrics in the jug. But the basic problem still remains - excess earth leakage current is making the breaker trip. It may be the breaker itself, or it could be the wiring between the breaker and the socket, or a combination of both.
We had this problem with an electric frypan years ago. It tripped the breaker in the caravan. I plugged it into another GPO and it ran fine. I let the pan heat up (and presumably dry out the fault) and then brought it back to the van. Plugged it in and it worked perfectly.
This one is really strange. I plugged the power cord into a different mains outlet (but still from the same power board) to check that and then plugged the jug in again (that bloody jug).
This time it tripped the power switch inside the van and not out at the power board.
Meanwhile the fridge, micro and HSW carry on completely and totally regardless. Tell me, as far as power points go, is there only the one circuit that does all the power points and a separate one for the lights or are there multiple one.
Thank God the fridge works as I can have a few beers each afternoon as my head collapses.
-- Edited by DMaxer on Friday 19th of June 2020 10:29:20 AM
Gday, I can think of two possible causes for what you have described and please appreciate it is difficult to diagnose correctly without being able to test a few things.
1. The kettle is ok when plugged into just your lead. If some appliances are working in some outlets but not others there is a very possible wiring problem in your rig.
2. The breaker in the power box is tripping is usually an overload. I suggest you add up some of the wattages and see just what you are using. A typical rigs microwave will be around 1100 watts when operating, a kettle could be 1200-1800 and a fan heater on low setting 1200 and 2400 on high.
You are allowed a max of 3600 watts at any one time from a 15amp outlet.
see how you go with that
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW
The power board trips when kettle is plugged into power point. The kettle trips power board if plugged directly into lead.
When I tried lead in different mains outlet that used same power board the trip was in van not power board at mains.
I had fridge on and running. HWS on and running and micro on but not running.
When it happened first time blower heater stopped but did not trip anything. Next time it just tripped for no reason as nothing except fridge HWS and micro on but not running. Next time same operating but I turned on kettle and it tripped at power board.
All ok today as I have not used kettle.
For last few weeks I have all above going and blow heater and all was ok. Lights ok.
It's a mystery Frank!
Could it be that the kettle has an earth leakage fault, and that some circuits are properly earthed while others are not?
Let's say that the first external circuit is earthed, and perhaps it trips because it has a faster acting ELCB than the one in the van. If the other external circuit is not earthed, then the van's ELCB trips.
"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."
Hi DMaxer,
Could you borrow a kettle from a neighbour just to try it?
After seeing the pittance of power wiring in our past Jayco Eagle, there's no way I would ever consider drawing 15A through it! Now I don't expect the wiring on our current van to be any heavier & I tell my wife that if the kettle is on, then don't go expecting something else that drags lots of current to be on as well - bearing in mind that the HWS, fridge, might be on as well.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Will try a few other things today Warren including that. Problem is there are only two of us at this cv and the other occupant is about as knowledgeable as me.
I will have about a weeks wait before an electrician has time to see me.
Thanks for everyone's help, much appreciated.
Mate, I said it before and will said it agin, stop being so stingy and go buy a new kettle. Then, only use one appliance at a time, leaving fridge on, then all will be OK.
That said,
Have you had EVERYFINK turned OFF, including fridge, then try the kettle only
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
There has been a major breakthrough in the electronic world on the mid north coast of nsw.
After much research, trial and error and guesswork I think I have found the murderer of my electricity.
The jug is in custody assisting with enquiries.
Under no circumstances should Doug be informed.
Thank you all for your collective advice and suggestions and your tolerance of my cerebral challenges in the world of electronics.
There has been a major breakthrough in the electronic world on the mid north coast of nsw. After much research, trial and error and guesswork I think I have found the murderer of my electricity. The jug is in custody assisting with enquiries. Under no circumstances should Doug be informed. Thank you all for your collective advice and suggestions and your tolerance of my cerebral challenges in the world of electronics.