If you're worried about breaking down, I'd suggest you get your vehicle checked over before you go to limit any hold up. Carry basic spares such as belts, hoses, something to pump your tyres up, have some tools that you may need. If you can't use them, someone else might be able to. Perhaps invest in a manual for the vehicle. You cannot carry everything you "might" need.
The most important point - DRIVE TO CONDITIONS - this reduces stress on the vehicle.
A few decades ago we (two Telecom technicians) came by a bloke who had a VERY lucky escape on the old Eyre Highway. He'd done the front universal of his rear tailshaft - the tools he was carrying were entirely useless - two screw drivers & a small shifting spanner!!
Investigate & see if there are any basic owner mechanics course available at a TAFE, etc.
All the best!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
We recently had the same requirement. We were going up the hills east of Truro SA and the turbo hose blew off. I had the tools to reinstall, however we are 17 meters long overall and by the time I could pull over the clamp that holds the hose on was lost on the road somewhere behind us. Luckily I was able to contact a local mechanic who came out with a new clamp. He said he makes living off those hills and turbo pipes - its a common problem. Now I carry a range of spare clamps.
NRMA Premium Plus + tow will tow over 5t and for 100k in rural and 50k in metro. $3000 in breakdown benefits plus absolutely A1 service. Highly recommended!