My Ducted Roof Top Dometic Air Cond. trips circuit breaker in my Motorhome when it rains . I have taken it to Dometic and they told me they found a leaking condenser which they replaced but couldn't get it to trip . So they had it all day and 30 mins before closing they ring me and say its ready. I'm in the office and I asked the guy questions about it and he said I didn't work on it they have gone home but this is what they reported. Thank You $300. I rang the next day Covid message we will get back to you , they never have. Soon as it dries out air cond. ok. The air con doesn't have to be turned on to trip circuit breaker , I've had a sparky look at it , no idea . Don't know what to do next. Hope it don't rain this summer
Hi goldcoaster; So the aircon trips the breaker even when it is not switched on. Water could be getting in to junction box under the cover of the aircon, funny a sparky could not find the problem. It could be the rain is getting in at another point somewhere and affecting the power cable that runs the air con. I would take the motor home back and say they have not fixed the problem , even after you have spent $300.00 in so call repairs. If the company is any good they hopefully will bend over backwards to help you out.
You are being taken for a ride, if what you have posted is correct. Caravan switches have to be double pole therefore there should be no electrical connection to the air conditioner when it is switched off unless it is wired incorrectly.
A good electrician would quickly identify if there is an electrical connection to the air conditioner when it is switched off.
As I posted, by testing the wiring using a Megger it will quickly identify if there is leakage between cable pairs or to ground.
If still doubt give the van a bath and duplicate the test.
Question I would ask is how is the operating temperature of the air conditioner set. If it is a dial type thermostat it may not be fully isolated by the air conditioner isolation switch which is a no no.