I haave one used for remote 4x4 trips, only ever used for contacting and updating family. I also have a hf radio for the same purpose but regularly checked in with base station on a daily basis. also carrie an epirb for when **** hit the fan. For close come had the standard 40/80 channel uhf. I used to travel very remote solo so I always hope if **** hapen they would find my body. Never had to use any devices in anger but always glad I had all bases covered.
yep, sat phone has its place
There not cheap to buy or use. It really depends on where you intend to go as to how necessary it is, or maybe how much you are prepaid to pay for convenience and piece of mind.To answer your question we do own one but we only purchase airtime for it if we are going on a trip that takes us well off all the main routes. Landy.
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
The PLB (not PEB) is the cheapest, most effective emergency life saving devise you can get and it costs under $300 total for 10 years. Keep it on your belt when you go walking.
Sat phones are great devices and very versatile but much more costly. be aware that they are not very effective inside a vehicle without an external antennae.
No sat phone but as I have an Amateur Radio licence and HF radios I don't feel I need one. I also have a PLB.
In previous times I went seriously remote travelling alone but nowadays the caravan limits where I can go and I'm generally in mobile phone range.
It really depends where you plan to travel: if remote then sat phone/HF radio is sensible but if within, say, an hour's walk from a road with daily traffic then I don't think it's necessary. Having said that; if you feel you'd be more comfortable with one then get one.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Now days we carry two GPS Epirb's with us. If one gets nicked, the second is very hard to locate.We travel in remote areas and are away from camp for some time. There are many low lifes that know exactly where you are camped.
Just wondering how many of you might carry a Sat Phone for the Just in Case (In Case) situation.
I have a PEB with GPS but that's more for the Adventure Riding aka (Big Trail Bike), I'd appreciate any thoughts are they worth it?
Personally I wouldn't go for a sat phone for "just in case" situations I'd go with a PLB. A PLB isn't that expensive and they've been proven (by other people) to work. Cheap insurance in my view.
Like others I use a combination of mobile phone, Amateur Radio, UHF CB and a PLB. I've written a bit here
I use a Sat. phone, for the times I am out in the deep outback, on the bike. I also have a Spot Gen 2, which is what I use to let/tell my wife where I am each day, The sat. phone has been used 3 times for 2 incidents, and one accident, involving other travelers whom have got into a spot of bother, and only had a UHF and a normal mobile. Travelling deep in the outback with out a sat. phone is silly, especially when one is 300 plus km out on an outback track, away from the blacktop, or emergency services. I also have a hand held uhf, that I listen too when on the blacktop, so I know where trucks are when I am especially on a bike. for safety sakes. An epirb, is good if you havent got a phone that can get in breakdown services, but is the incorrect thing to use for that purpose, they are better to be used if you are hopelessly lost, way out on the canning stock route, or similar and have broken down, and maybe could have a health problem or out of water, but if not in that need use a sat. phone instead.
Hi Guy's,
Thanks for the advice on the Sat Phone seems most have one and airtime is expensive but monthly cost is $15.00.
I think I'll get one better to be safe than sorry, appreciate the comments and replies.