How do I work out which pin is anode as there is no marking and does cathode become the connection to the solar panel and other lead goes solar controller? These diodes I bought from jaycar are flat 2pinsand with metal back plate I presume to dissapate any heat.
No markings at all ? Commonly a stripe at one end indicates the cathode or negative. The Jaycar website should have details and specs sheets. The Jaycar part number (on your receipt) might help others too. All else fails, ring Jaycar.
Note that the metal tab is internaly conected to one of the pins. It will need substantial heat sink if you want to pass 7A through it. & will need insulation betwan the tab & the heat sink. I have used similar diodes (40A ones) on solar panels & used the panel frame as the heatsink. The 40A Shotkey diodes were salvaged from old computer power supplys from a scrap yard for free.