About a week ago I had reason to leave my van unoccupied for a few days so I turned off the water and the HWS. Upon my return I turned the water and HWS back on and all was well for a couple of days and then, no hot water. I remember from past experiences if the element is blown then it trips the 240 volt and that had not happened. I checked the fuses and they seemed OK. It still worked on gas so I used that. I tried the old turn off and turn on system but that did not work. I rang around and was informed that it was a faulty thermostat and I would have to wait a while before the service man could fix it. No probs, just use the gas.
Lo and behold, I turned on the tap yesterday and hot water. I thought I must have left the gas on but no. When I last did the old turn off and turn on, I left the cord plugged in and turned on. It seems the whole thing just had a little holiday and reset.
I spoke to a fellow this morning and he was telling me that this happens with his from time to time and all he does is unplug from power point and leave for about an hour. When unplugged he turns on the hot water tap and leaves it on for about 5-10 minutes to drain out the hot water tank and let it refill from the mains inlet. Works everytime.
Amazing little things aren't they! I can now put this in the same file as Iphones, computers and mum's washing machine. All worked after the great reset even though they had been pronounced terminal by the technicians and full last rites given.
We had that down to a fine art Doug. When the old black and white used to get the rolls going my old dad would wander over and hit it on the top of the cabinet. Worked every time. After that this role would be designated to one of us kids. The TV would start to roll, dad would give the order, designated child would wander over and bang. All fixed, on with the family viewing.
Did the same thing with the wireless. When the static cut in a good belt fixed that too.
We had that down to a fine art Doug. When the old black and white used to get the rolls going my old dad would wander over and hit it on the top of the cabinet. Worked every time. After that this role would be designated to one of us kids. The TV would start to roll, dad would give the order, designated child would wander over and bang. All fixed, on with the family viewing.
Did the same thing with the wireless. When the static cut in a good belt fixed that too.
it must of been a standard growing up thingy, older brother got the job first, then proud as punch I got the jod but then we got the u beaut new tv and it automatically adjusted itself. Bugger I was practising.