Heya, how did everyone else fare the heatwave if you were amongst it? I know Sydney isn't as hot as many other places in Australia so in that sense I know I was lucky but geez it was a pretty hectic time for my cat and I!
Not only were we stranded in the heat wave, we started running out of supplies and with Australia Day being on a Tuesday there was no-one to come diagnose Kalypso (MH) so we were literally stuck!
At least I learnt more about Kalypso (still have such a long way to go, I feel like I may be a newbie forever!)
Here's the vlog for anyone wanting to check it out!
Finally just got Kalypso back!! apparently there were missing fuses and she was working overtime to get around this. Yet again another Sydney RV issue as I havent taken any fuses out since getting her 6 months ago.
Still need to fix the other electrical issue so trying to access the fuses behind the fascia board of main switch board which I am informed just pops out with a knife but still working on that. :-/