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Crohns & IBD on the road

We have been travelling for over 5 years now. Last time we were home for a spell was in early 2018. During that time I received & sent away one of the poo tests that us older folk get sent to us. Unexpectedly I was told I needed a colonoscopy as a result.  They found inflamation of the caecum & the general surgeon issued dire warnings against me leaving to travel across the western deserts to Broome as we had planned, citing the risk of perforated bowel, extreme pain & the high possibility of death if unable to reach a hospital within 12 hours.

Problem was I felt fine, & did not wish to stay home so he could put me on medication requiring weekly blood tests to monitor for some very nasty potential side effects.

Google found several references to my specific presentation caused by long term NSAID use (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs)  -I  had been taking slow release NSAID medication for a neck condition for 7 years, prescribed by a neurologist.

After consulting my GP (& a nurse friend) they considered my suggestion that I stop taking the NSAID's, head off across the deserts & seek another colonoscopy after about 6 months, when we were in Broome and agreed that it sounded a reasonable plan.

So that was the plan which I followed, hoping the second colonscopy would show improvement. It didn't, but it hadn't got worse either & I was still symptom free & was able to convince the medicos there that I would be OK to leave Broome & spend 6 to 8 months travelling to remote areas of the north Kimberley & across the Gulf to Cairns, where I again would seek a further colonoscopy.

We did this, reaching a pre-arranged house-sit in the Daintree. Arrangement was made to see a Gastroenterologist at an outpatient clinic at the tiny Mossman Hospital.  It was whilst waiting a few weeks for this appointment that my first ever symptoms erupted!  And boy did they erupt!  Probably the closest one can get to the **** literally hitting the fan! I was effectively housebound for almost a month. On the couple of occasions I had to go into Mossman I knew the exact location of every public toilet along the way & always carried a change of clothing etc. Even mowing the orchard, 10 minutes from the house I carried an 'emergency clothing pack' . Essentialy I had lost all control of my bowels, with bouts of sudden diarrhoea up to 20 times a day. It was truly horrendous. The urgency of the situation got my outpatient appointment brought forward, & a pre-appointment poo sample was sent off via Mossman Hospital.

The 'gastro' was fantastic. He knew the score before we met. The poo test told him all he needed to know. When I asked for another colonoscopy he laughed & asked me if I liked having them. It hadn't occurred to me that I wouldn't need one! The levels of whatever it was they look for in the test, the higher the greater the level of bowel inflamation were enough. Mine were something like 12 times higher than what is considered normal!  He patiently heard me out, about our travelling lifestyle , about my fears re steroids etc and when he finally spoke He said " This is what you have to do. No guarantees it will work, but if it doesn't it will be the end of your travelling lifestyle". (That phrase is one I will never forget).   In the short term he prescribed me a diet with no vegetables or fruit, & high amounts of protein, just to ensure I would get some nutition until my body was back under control. Together with his I had high dosage of Prednisalone (Steroids) for just 3 days, & commencement of Chrohn's medication (Mezavant) which helps prevent inflammation in the bowel becoming out of control again. Why this could not have been the medication prescribed following my first colonoscopy I don't know - no side effects, no requirement for monitoring!

All this was in November '19. The treatment worked & I have been taking 3 tablets a day of Mezavant ever since, still travelling into remote areas where we have been confident enough to remain, cut off, for wet seasons. The Cairns Base Hospital Gastroenerology Dept has a Nurse Practioner who I email whenever I need a repeat prescription. 8 months worth dispensed at a time, after he gets one of the gasros to write me a new script. The nurse sends it to a local pharmacy & I pay them over the phone or with paypal & they post the script to me. The last two scripts arrived via mail plane.  This Nurse practioner service is a real life saver, avoids the need to see a doctor (GP or RFDS) & having to 'start from scratch with them every time I need a repeat script. All hospitals should have similar services for all types of illness & disability.

I now eat a fairly normal diet again, having gradually re-introduced all sort of things I had stopped eating, I can tell that sometimes my guts aren't as good, usually related to something I've eaten. I try to avoid wheat products as much as I can, but have learned how much I can tolerate. 

Throughout all of this I have discovered that small rural hospitals, aboriginal health clinics & the like mostly offer far better service than can be easily obtained in larger towns. Out here you remain a person, not just a number or a diagnosis. They may only have minimal facilities, but they know how to access more if it's needed.

I have posted this in the hope that anyone who is feeling hopeless about living their travel dream because of medical conditions might read it & gain some positivity from it. Bottom line is that even if things went pear shaped for me tomorrow, enough to stop us travelling, what we have been able to do cannot be undone, & we have zero regrets about doing it. That said we hope we are looking at many more years of travelling ahead of us yet.


A Nomadic Life (Current)    

The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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Sorry to hear about your sufferings, but it reminded me to tell of an emergency toilet I purchased online (branded ATO Magic Toilet) - I attempted to find again but unable to locate a similar one. It has a mechanism similar to a Top-Hat (twist and pop up) with a plastic bag receptacle.

Mine although only used once as an emergency relief was well worth the $29.00 spent - I suggest all sufferers of IBS or similar carry one.


Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan

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I have IBS (predominately the runs) and I have just got back from my 1st off road trip and it just happens to be the 1st trip anywhere in 15years that I haven't ended up with the runs. This is because I cooked ALL my own food this time I did not even pinch one of hubby's hot chips. Bottled or boiled water all the way. Yes my food is boring, yes my other health issues hurt like hell at times but I finally got to go on a trip without spending 3days stuck on the dunny.
I still can't go on other kinds of trips or out to dinner but at least I think I've at last nailed the road trip.



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Wannabe nomad wrote:

I have IBS (predominately the runs) and I have just got back from my 1st off road trip and it just happens to be the 1st trip anywhere in 15years that I haven't ended up with the runs. This is because I cooked ALL my own food this time I did not even pinch one of hubby's hot chips. Bottled or boiled water all the way. Yes my food is boring, yes my other health issues hurt like hell at times but I finally got to go on a trip without spending 3days stuck on the dunny.
I still can't go on other kinds of trips or out to dinner but at least I think I've at last nailed the road trip.

 May it be the first of many!


A Nomadic Life (Current)    

The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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It is quite commonly known that within so many communities in tourist areas, and more to the point, in areas frequented by hoards of caravan and RV travellers, there exists a massive load upon all medical and health facilities when the nomads arrive for the winter pilgrimage.

While the OP might have negotiated his own specialist medical treatment in communities where the facilities are set up to assist a majority our indigenous neighbours this situation may not be the norm nor may it be available to everyone.

Good advice is generally, if your are not well and suffer ongoing adverse conditions then stay with the medical professionals in your own area rather than take the gamble of receiving the attention you may need in regional communities.

If your regular doctor oks your extended travel then ensure prescriptions will be available although many scripts these days may be available from on line sources.

Poor planning of anyones condition while travelling places excessive load on GP practices, Outpatients at local hospitals and extra loads on the larger regional hospitals should you need urgent attention.
This coupled with the simple fact that you will not be dealing with your regular doctor or specialist may help you to make a responsible decision with your health prior to heading off into the unknown.


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Ivan 01 wrote:

It is quite commonly known that within so many communities in tourist areas, and more to the point, in areas frequented by hoards of caravan and RV travellers, there exists a massive load upon all medical and health facilities when the nomads arrive for the winter pilgrimage.

While the OP might have negotiated his own specialist medical treatment in communities where the facilities are set up to assist a majority our indigenous neighbours this situation may not be the norm nor may it be available to everyone.

Good advice is generally, if your are not well and suffer ongoing adverse conditions then stay with the medical professionals in your own area rather than take the gamble of receiving the attention you may need in regional communities.

If your regular doctor oks your extended travel then ensure prescriptions will be available although many scripts these days may be available from on line sources.

Poor planning of anyones condition while travelling places excessive load on GP practices, Outpatients at local hospitals and extra loads on the larger regional hospitals should you need urgent attention.
This coupled with the simple fact that you will not be dealing with your regular doctor or specialist may help you to make a responsible decision with your health prior to heading off into the unknown.

 Whilst there are worthy considerations in your post Ivan, I cannot help but wonder, in light of other recent & unsavoury forum events, whether your post may be intended as veiled criticism of myself as OP. 

For what it is worth, my experience is as someone who has travelled & lived in remote areas for reasonably lengthy periods, (away from the hustle & bustle of those areas 'frequented by the hoards of caravan & rv travellers) ie. as a long term temporary resident, rather than simply as a traveller passing through on a 'winter pilgrimage'.  And as someone who endeavours to contribute to the communities we become part of, rather than simply 'using' them, we (my wife & I) have found ourselves welcomed by the health services we have availed ourselves of. Generally speaking they have not been overrun, & have been pleased to get 'extra customers' as additional numbers help to support their case for ongoing support from the broader health system. I can speak to that, as both my wife & I are retired health professionals.

As general advice to others to folk who may not plan well, & expect services from overrun facilities at short notice as they pass through I would agree with what you suggest, particularly in regard to the downside of not dealing with one's regular doctor or specialist. Lack of continuity can be a real, (& expensive) problem. For this reason we always request full copies of all reports & entries into our case notes, & have never had this refused, in fact it has been the default behaviour, with no request necessary, from some remote services used to mobile populations. Being able to provide the needed medical history, from previous medical services, at an initial consultation is reassuring to the new practitioner & tells them that we, the patients, have planned well. 



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The Big Trip (2008/9)     

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I sometimes wonder if some of the practices and medical facilities which have closed in country towns would have stayed open if more people attended them, e.g. Grey Nomads.



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Why would this be said:

I cannot help but wonder, in light of other recent & unsavoury forum events, whether your post may be intended as veiled criticism of myself as OP.

It should be noted what was said to me in a previous topic and I wonder if it is now a case of the *pot calling the kettle black*

This was said of me:


Ivan01, you are incredible! ......... psychological projection at it's finest! 

You have a very distorted view of others. 

So to answer your query of the reason for my post in this topic.

My post completely reflects my thoughts.

Because I dont completely agree with you or any one else doesnt mean I may have another agenda.

It means I have my own opinion and as such I am quite within my rights to advise other less travelled members of the possible pitfalls of heeding your advice.

I would hazzard a guess that there are a lot more nomads on here that fit loosely within the group of winter pilgrims than do those who spend extended periods of time living in more remote areas and having to negotiate with aboriginal communities for medical treatments.

There would be even a lesser number who come from a medical background and therefore have the knowledge to negotiate on an entirely different level than what the average Nomad might ever hope to achieve.

The advice and info I provided was more directed at the average retired long term traveller.

-- Edited by Ivan 01 on Tuesday 20th of September 2022 11:17:49 AM


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Ivan 01 wrote:


So to answer your query of the reason for my post in this topic.

My post completely reflects my thoughts.

Because I dont completely agree with you or any one else doesnt mean I may have another agenda.

-- Edited by Ivan 01 on Tuesday 20th of September 2022 11:17:49 AM


Your quote in this thread of what I had said to you elsewhere suggests confirmation of what I had wondered about. 

I now quote you here because although you use different words, the point you make is essentially the same point I made prior to the attacking criticism from yourself & others in that now closed thread.

The comment I made about 'projection' referred specifically to your accusatory response to my asserting my good faith & integrity as you now have ..... as per quote above. 

I hope that whilst considering your retort that you also noted I had referred to the points you made .... as worthy.

I included that because I meant it, in recognition that there would be an audience to whom it would apply as you have stated.

On the issue of 'advice'. I believe you may have confused my telling of my story of personal experience with that of giving of advice. 

I do endeavour to write what I mean, and whilst I won't expect you to agree with anything I post, I would appreciate any effort made to recognise that I do post with good intent, not to antagonise as you have previously suggested. Sometimes opposite or dissenting views are useful to maintain a balance. A conversation without balance is one sided. Striving to keep it one sided is of little use to anyone. 

At the risk of sounding unintentionally patronising I would like to point out that it is perfectly possible for folk to hold different views without becoming enemies so long as good will & intent is recognisable.

I have nothing further to add, so if you feel unable to  'live & let live'  either in this thread or others it will be on public view. I would far rather get a view of your better side. Feel free to disagree with anything I post, but please do so on the basis of what I write, rather than what you might think of me as someone who doesn't share your view. 

I'm off to cut some grass.


A Nomadic Life (Current)    

The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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Cuppa wrote:
Ivan 01 wrote:


So to answer your query of the reason for my post in this topic.

My post completely reflects my thoughts.

Because I dont completely agree with you or any one else doesnt mean I may have another agenda.

-- Edited by Ivan 01 on Tuesday 20th of September 2022 11:17:49 AM


Your quote in this thread of what I had said to you elsewhere suggests confirmation of what I had wondered about. 

I now quote you here because although you use different words, the point you make is essentially the same point I made prior to the attacking criticism from yourself & others in that now closed thread.

The comment I made about 'projection' referred specifically to your accusatory response to my asserting my good faith & integrity as you now have ..... as per quote above. 

I hope that whilst considering your retort that you also noted I had referred to the points you made .... as worthy.

I included that because I meant it, in recognition that there would be an audience to whom it would apply as you have stated.

On the issue of 'advice'. I believe you may have confused my telling of my story of personal experience with that of giving of advice. 

I do endeavour to write what I mean, and whilst I won't expect you to agree with anything I post, I would appreciate any effort made to recognise that I do post with good intent, not to antagonise as you have previously suggested. Sometimes opposite or dissenting views are useful to maintain a balance. A conversation without balance is one sided. Striving to keep it one sided is of little use to anyone. 

At the risk of sounding unintentionally patronising I would like to point out that it is perfectly possible for folk to hold different views without becoming enemies so long as good will & intent is recognisable.

I have nothing further to add, so if you feel unable to  'live & let live'  either in this thread or others it will be on public view. I would far rather get a view of your better side. Feel free to disagree with anything I post, but please do so on the basis of what I write, rather than what you might think of me as someone who doesn't share your view. 

I'm off to cut some grass.

 Settle down,

It was you who questioned Ivan, not the other way around as you now want all of us to believe.

In your first post you said this which as I read it you were suggesting that travelling while knowingly ill is all OK as if you dont you may miss out on something.

Ivan pointed out that with some people this may not be good advice.

This was said:

I have posted this in the hope that anyone who is feeling hopeless about living their travel dream because of medical conditions might read it & gain some positivity from it. Bottom line is that even if things went pear shaped for me tomorrow, enough to stop us travelling, what we have been able to do cannot be undone, & we have zero regrets about doing it. That said we hope we are looking at many more years of travelling ahead of us yet.

This reads to me at least that you are suggesting travel. Pardon me if I am incorrect.

Wasnt it you in another topic that you found the need to post as a screenshot Ivans reply in a topic and highlighting his forum signature.

Does this indicate who the antagonist really is?

It was commented in a now locked post and I am wondering was the poster actually correct. If he wasnt he at least was extremely observant when he said this.

*Some may see a psychological projection and others may look from the other side and note a narcissistic retaliation.* 

I mention this post in part because it is being suggested that Ivan posted antagonistic content when there has been nothing of the sort in this topic, so far.

Who was it that suggested the problems that were experienced in another topic. I dont think it was Ivan.

It cant be had both ways, you either accept others input as a valid effort to provide objective but sound advice and views or leave the comments to a less antagonistic approach when others dont agree with you.

For the life of me I cant see why this topic needs to be turned into anything but providing quality and sound advice by those with receiving emergency medical attention in a rural area due to an illness.

This includes both yours and Ivans views as well as any comments that may come from others.


I will leave this here.





Chairman of the Bored

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I can't see anything wrong with Cuppa's post, nor any of the others he has posted.  How would this conversation pan out if held around the campfire?  Nothing like it is going at the moment.  It's amazing how a face to face, multi sided conversation is normally far more productive and civil than a typed thread.



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KevinJ wrote:

I can't see anything wrong with Cuppa's post, nor any of the others he has posted.  How would this conversation pan out if held around the campfire?  Nothing like it is going at the moment.  It's amazing how a face to face, multi sided conversation is normally far more productive and civil than a typed thread.

 No there was nothing wrong with his original post.

He merely quoted his position and how his medical problems have worked out.

Then there is nothing wrong with Ivans post either, all he said was what might be found while needing medical attention in a different location from home.

It was then assumed that Ivans post was only included to put the OP down.

Go and read ALL the posts and tell us all ho was being antagonistic.

My input athough probably not necessary only was an attempt to point out the incorrect comments of the OP to a post that he obviously does not agree to, at least in part as he now suggests.




Chairman of the Bored


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Never mind Rob, he is not worth it.

My purpose was to present another side based on my personal experience regarding receiving medical specialists in rural areas.

You know my story and I am aware of your health issues as well.

Unfortunately the world has some that dont see anything but their own reflection.

Take care Rob.


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Rob Driver wrote:
Wasnt it you in another topic that you found the need to post as a screenshot Ivans reply in a topic and highlighting his forum signature.

Does this indicate who the antagonist really is?

No it doesn't Rob. However I do think your suggesting this is either made without being fully informed, or is a further example of the ganging up I am being subjected to by a few forum members.

I posted that screenshot in the 'How do you feel' thread (without commentary) as I thought it reasonable to defend myself by exposing the way in which my posts outside the closed thread were being 'picked on' , carried over from that closed thread, by being accused of 'having an agenda' when the chap's signature hypocritically states that he has an agenda to push. Thank you for noticing the irony.  :)

I began with no agenda, just my thoughts, but the result is that I have been treated poorly, criticised because it appears that some folk cannot differentiate between someone who holds different views to theirs & someone who is criticising them unreasonably. Regardless of any partisan assertions this denigration has not been warranted but has without doubt provoked a defensive agenda on my part.  

I should probably cease to respond, because other's reading the backwards & forwards nature of this unnecessary dispute will likely just dismiss it as unnecessary argy-bargy which of course it is. Perhaps that is the agenda - wear down the enemy until they give up & appear guilty, or they fight back & appear guilty?  A double-bind. To me it is a bullying tactic for gains I cannot relate to. 

This ridiculous situation, now becoming close to where a description of 'hounding' would be apt, commenced after I told another member that I perceived their response to me as rude. I said this courteously although I did question whether it was intended or a 'brain fart'. This appears to have been a cue for the jackboots to have been put on by a few other forum members.  The thread was closed because of some people's need to display a lack of respect (despite demanding it themselves). The member who has now been banned from the forum as a result, & his offensive posts removed, one of the 'jackboot brigade' brought it on himself when he crossed a line. 

You, coming to the defence of another is admirable but in your criticism of what you consider *my* misuse of this thread (which I started) you have chosen to do precisely what you criticise me for doing. You could have contacted me off forum for a courteous conversation if you truly felt I had made a mistake in this thread, but instead you too have added to the public 'ganging up'. Even if I was mistaken to respond to Ivan in this thread, two 'off topic' wrongs don't make a right.

 I think others can read the other threads themselves to place things into the full context if they are interested & see that it is not I who is the antagonist at all, but rather the one who quite unreasonably has been subjected to antagonism. Standing up to bullies & their tactics should not be confused with antagonism even though it can look much the same without the full context. 

         What Ivan wrote in this thread, in itself is not the problem here, but that he chose to carry over his frustration with me from the closed thread, just as with the post he made in the "How do you feel about this" thread.  That assertion is of course deniable, & there is nothing I can do about a "No I didn't'  response, but if such a response is forthcoming then it would be reasonable to expect that the matter was ended & we could live & let live as I have already suggested. 



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The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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DSCN7870.JPGA handy loo seat if not towing the van. This particular one was strongest and able to be modified. Found some suitable garbage bags to go with it. Still can be used for original purpose as well, so left the centre bar in for a bit extra strength. Just wrap in original box to stop rattles.


Cheers Craig


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Rob Driver wrote:
In your first post you said this which as I read it you were suggesting that travelling while knowingly ill is all OK as if you dont you may miss out on something.

Ivan pointed out that with some people this may not be good advice.

This was said:

I have posted this in the hope that anyone who is feeling hopeless about living their travel dream because of medical conditions might read it & gain some positivity from it. Bottom line is that even if things went pear shaped for me tomorrow, enough to stop us travelling, what we have been able to do cannot be undone, & we have zero regrets about doing it. That said we hope we are looking at many more years of travelling ahead of us yet.


 Rob, your interpretation that I suggested "that travelling while knowingly ill is all OK as if you dont you may miss out on something" is a misreading of what I said. I made reference to 'positivity' which I guess can mean different things to different folk. I do not advocate unsafe or irresponsible travel, & do not consider that our own travel has in any way been unsafe or irresponsible.  The fact is that all medical conditions are different in terms of the impact upon anyone's ability to travel, & these conditions are frequently variable, sometimes better sometimes worse. Individual experience in conjunction with medical advice allows people to make the decisions they consider best for themselves.

All I was saying was that a diagnosis doesn't necessarily mean a life sentence of no travel. It was intended as both a show of solidarity with others who suffer in any way, & a message of hope to anyone currently unable to travel not to give up hope of their travel dreams becoming possible, even if the condition they have is one they will have for life. No 'advice' was offered or given.


A Nomadic Life (Current)    

The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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Let it go Cuppa, you cant polish anything you have said.

I think Clarky1 s observation is absolutely correct.

While I am at it dont sit there on your high horse and tell either Rob or me or anyone for that matter, how an illness need not be a life sentence of no travel.

It so happens that some are. I find your late comments in this topic extremely offensive.

You dont know what you are talking about. You dont know anyones medical conditions but your own and you certainly dont know the experiences of trying to find medical attention in most regional areas.

My post was only to provide information first hand, to those who may get themselves into a situation where they are without medical attention or at the very least experiencing difficulty doing so.

Just pull your head in mate. And Let It Go.


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Ivan 01 wrote:

Let it go Cuppa, you cant polish anything you have said.

I think Clarky1 s observation is absolutely correct.

While I am at it dont sit there on your high horse and tell either Rob or me or anyone for that matter, how an illness need not be a life sentence of no travel.

It so happens that some are. I find your late comments in this topic extremely offensive.

You dont know what you are talking about. You dont know anyones medical conditions but your own and you certainly dont know the experiences of trying to find medical attention in most regional areas.

My post was only to provide information first hand, to those who may get themselves into a situation where they are without medical attention or at the very least experiencing difficulty doing so.

Just pull your head in mate. And Let It Go.

 Of course some illnesses & disability can sometimes mean a life sentence of no travel.

Why would you even consider that I might think that is not so?  That borders on bizarre. I can only think your focus missed the point because you have been so intent on finding fault.

Wouldn't you consider that posting something to provide hope & solidarity with other folk is a worthwhile thing to do?

Wouldn't you think that folk with medical conditions might be capable of making reasonable decisions for themselves?  

If you think you can effectively tell anyone, myself included, what to do without first gaining their respect you haven't thought it through too well.

Perhaps you should listen to your own advice...... mate. 

-- Edited by Cuppa on Tuesday 20th of September 2022 09:59:46 PM


A Nomadic Life (Current)    

The Big Trip (2008/9)     


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Watch him Ivan,

He is trying to do the same thing to you that he did to Clarky last night.

He is going on and on until he provokes you to say something you should not say, then he is straight onto Cindy to have you removed.

But if I have made a mistake with the explanation for his current actions in continuing posting then Clarky was absolutely correct he is nothing but a Overt Narcissist.

You did the right thing Ivan, you have tried to ask him to let it go but he obviously just cant do that. It is not in his nature.

Narcissists unfortunately can only ever see themselves.




Chairman of the Bored


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No worries, thanks Rob.

That thought did cross my mind.

I will let him have all the last says he needs to have to satisfy his problem.

Over and out Rob.


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Good one Ivan, it is over and out from me as well.




Chairman of the Bored


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I remember reading similar inaccurate, offensive, and degrading comments from Ivan and Rob and 2 others previously on this forum when they were trying to denigrate another good member, but their personal attacks continue., even after they caused the locking of many informative threads in the past.

I know Cuppa would not complain, but as a contributor and avid reader of some contributions to this forum, I don't believe it's in the best interest of members to have to endure the vile tripe that has been presented here.

so I ask Cindy could she please take some action to stop it.




Chris & Sharyn.

Tea Gardens. NSW.

2015 VW Touareg V6 Air suspension, 2012 Jayco Sterling 21.


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To both Cuppa, and Wannabe nomad

Thanks for explaining how you both overcome your various health problems, to assist you to keep travelling

I only ever drink bottled water while travelling, and (touch wood), I have never been laid low with stomach upsets



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Tony Bev wrote:

To both Cuppa, and Wannabe nomad

Thanks for explaining how you both overcome your various health problems, to assist you to keep travelling

Likewise. Unfortunately, this thread has attracted the same old group of detractors whose only purpose seems to be to defecate on the threads of people they don't like, just as they did on mine.

Keep posting, accept that you will sometimes attract robust debate (from me and others), but ignore the excreta. 


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 


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Ignore the Debbie Downers.



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have you considered slippery elm powder, grated apple and corn flour. OK I hear you say, what!! Well the combination of 1 teaspoon of slippery elm mixed in 50mls of water and allowed to rest for a few hours then mix in grated peeled apple and 1/2 teaspoon of corn flour and add 100 mls of water and eat. The other is using a very very ripe banana instead of the apple. I have seen this work so many times. In my new book I am adding this recipe as it helps so many. 

How wonderful you folk with irritable bowel are getting out there and enjoying life. Although dietary restriction has to be considered and that is person to each sufferrer I share this combiantion in the hope that some may get some relief as my motto is 'passionate about helping people'. 

Happy travels



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have you considered slippery elm powder, grated apple and corn flour. OK I hear you say, what!! Well the combination of 1 teaspoon of slippery elm mixed in 50mls of water and allowed to rest for a few hours then mix in grated peeled apple and 1/2 teaspoon of corn flour and add 100 mls of water and eat. The other is using a very very ripe banana instead of the apple. I have seen this work so many times. In my new book I am adding this recipe as it helps so many. 

How wonderful you folk with irritable bowel are getting out there and enjoying life. Although dietary restriction has to be considered and that is person to each sufferrer I share this combiantion in the hope that some may get some relief as my motto is 'passionate about helping people'. 

Happy travels



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Sandi Rogers wrote:

have you considered slippery elm powder, grated apple and corn flour. OK I hear you say, what!! Well the combination of 1 teaspoon of slippery elm mixed in 50mls of water and allowed to rest for a few hours then mix in grated peeled apple and 1/2 teaspoon of corn flour and add 100 mls of water and eat. The other is using a very very ripe banana instead of the apple. I have seen this work so many times. In my new book I am adding this recipe as it helps so many. 

How wonderful you folk with irritable bowel are getting out there and enjoying life. Although dietary restriction has to be considered and that is person to each sufferrer I share this combiantion in the hope that some may get some relief as my motto is 'passionate about helping people'. 

Happy travels

         Hi Sandi thanks for posting. I have read that slippery elm can be good for reducing inflammation in the gut & have considered it might be something to try when we are not in a remote area. ie. when we are back home. The medication has done a marvellous job of keeping me well whilst we have been remote, & I am reluctant to 'play with fire' until I am somewhere where I have better access to medical services. (And somewhere which sells slippery Elm - nothing like that available up here in remote Cape York). That said, I'm all for giving it a go when the time is right. I suspect I would try it in conjunction with my medication & if I noticed it was helping may then try to carefully reduce the medication - but I remain very aware of the sudden & unexpected nature of the disabling symptoms when they occurred, so am rather cautious about 'upsetting the apple cart' whilst it is going along quite smoothly. 


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Interesting what Cuppa's doctor said about vegetables. I have IBS and go to the toilet numerous times a day. Doctor put me on Lomotil tablets about 15 years ago to slow things down.

Last month had a colonoscopy and for five days before procedure had to be on a strict diet including NO vegetables, no Lomotil. After a few days I realised I was not going to the toilet as often as usual and the main difference in eating was no vegetables.

After the procedure I got to thinking about this and have not had any vegetables for about five weeks and I stopped taking the Lomotil tablets as well. My IBS has reversed from diarrhea to constipation. Still trying to work out an eating pattern for myself that can include vegetables sometimes.

When away in the van I have two cassettes for the toilet to make things easier getting to a dump point.


100 Series Turbo Cruiser & 21ft Lotus Trackvan


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I have found that limiting vegetables from the Brassica group ( ) but eating one apple a day/or orange is enough to prevent constipation.


Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan

Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.

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