Retreat Fraser Ventline hatches. Has anyone else had issues with the Ventline removeable flyscreen vents in the ensuite and shower recess fans? I took the dusty screen off to clean it and in the process the plastic clips were so damaged by heat that they all broke off leaving the screen impossible to reattach (except for the all inclusive duct tape - which looks a bit unsightly)! The issue is that a $5 piece of plastic and flywire can only be replaced by buying the whole fan surround unit at a cost of $40. My question is, has anyone found a more sturdy replacement unit i.e. the fan surround and flyscreen as paying $40 for a useless piece of Chinese crap makes me homicidal. I don't mind paying for quality if someone has a more sturdy recommendation.
Nissan Patrol TIL and highly modified Retreat Fraser full offroad version
David, years ago, on a previous van I re-attached vent screen with Velcro dots It was noticeable in the corners of the vent but not many people are looking skyward whilst showering.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
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