I've just started getting into really wanting to be an Off Grid Grey Nomad, so I got my comfy winter clothes, walking boots and good socks on ready to go on trips down many and varied rabbitholes, and learn as much as possible about living the best Grey Nomad life I can when the time comes with the opportunity ($, of course!) to do such.
As much fun as the planning your next trip may be, and window shopping for vehicles, gear or toys can be with never-ending budgets, at this early stage I'm also interested in the Life Admin side of things, or basically, working out how you do life stuff where a street address is needed, for whatever reason.
I'm treating this whole 'project', in which this is part one startling with me typing this until me driving off even for just a few days away for test runs, let alone multi week trips, as like learning to cook Risotto.
Easy to learn, you never really master it.
I'm fully aware that I'll mess up things. I just want to minimise the mess ups, or at a minimum, be as graceful and spectacular as possible when I do so in front of any audience, in real life or online.
Being off-grid could be a big jump from normal civvy life if you are an inexperienced Nomad - it can range from the total "Bear Grilles", to the simple cooking some meals on a BBQ, wandering the Great Victorian Desert to picnics on Bondi Beach.
Go and talk to the patrons at a caravan park, read up on Len Beadle's adventures - take with a grain of salt everything told to you by the sales staff at 4WD Vehicle Dealers, Caravan Salesmen and Camping Goods stores - but look for the grains of gold in the buckets full of horse manure they are pitching at you.
Get heaps of free technical information and check-lists at Caravan Council of Australia Website.
And plant a couple of money trees if starting caravaning from scratch.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.