At the risk of disturbing a hornet's van has a GVM of 1377kg according to the paperwork but has a plate riveted to the frame by the manufacturer stating that the "maximum allowable GTM" is 1450kg.
Does anyone know how GVM is established? I have assumed it's determined by the manufacturer, but this discrepancy seems odd. I have contacted Service NSW but am yet to hear back. Obviously I'd like to have the additional buffer though I have tried to make sure I'm under the existing weight.
- Oz.
...and on the seventh day, the Lord rested and said "Murphy, you're in charge!"
...... plate riveted to the frame by the manufacturer stating that the "maximum allowable GTM" is 1450kg.
GVM is not really a valid term for a van. It should be GTM (maximum weight on the wheels) and ATM (maximum total weight).
What does the Identification plate show?
I am guessing here but I believe your chassis is designed for up to GTM 1450kg but the manufacturer chose 1377kg for some reason other than an engineering limit. Often, the GTM is set by subtracting the measured towball weight from the ATM. That is not the ideal way, but it happens. It would be quite feasible to have a strong chassis and axle group capable of much more than that, but the GTM may be limited by something else. For example if the safety chains are rated lower, or the coupling, etc.
I don't know about other states, but in NSW there is only one field to record the weight limit of a vehicle. That is shown on registration papers as GVM. I sought advice from the Technical Officer at Transport NSW as to what should be recorded there and was told it should be GTM. Then later, another specialist forwarded their guidance for inspection stations, which clearly showed it should be ATM recorded in that field. My van has GTM recorded there, which I aim to get corrected.
I upgraded my last vans atm few years ago in NSW and all you have to do is take your van to an authorised blue slip provider and they will let you know what your maximum atm is and you take the new paperwork to service NSW
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The chassis manufacturer sets a rating known as Axle Group Rating which is usually stamped on a plate attached to the chassis and may be stamped on the Vin plate.
The GTM number stamped on the Vin plate is arrived at by subtracting the dry measured ball weight from the ATM.
The manufacturer may have substituted GTM for Axle Group Rating.