Hi There, My wife noticed your posting the other day and prompted me to register with the forum and reply to your question. We have owned a 17'6" Golf Outback pop-top caravan for 2-1/2 years now. We haven't been off-road yet but have travelled around 15,000 Kms on the bitumen. I know the Savanah is a little bigger with a tandem wheel setup, but all Golfs are built tough and are extremely well finished. We have looked at the Savanah on numerous occasions and dreamt about owning one. We recently had an opportunity to tow a standard model and later an outback model from Brisbane to Bundaberg. They both towed as well as our smaller van. As they say "you don't get nothing for nothing" and they are definately more expensive than say a Jayco or other well known brands. The difference is in the quality, strength and standard features. Good luck