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Couldn't agree more Dave.  Here in Ulladulla we have a free camp area on Mollymook Beach.  Easter a couple of years ago, vandals uprooted all the new trees, not to mention the destruction of the toilet block and showers.

Certainly does make it hard for people to trust us "Nomads".

We do the same as you, leave with more than you came with most of the time.

What is it that the National Parks or someone say on their signs....."leave only footprints"  or something like that.


Guru & Ma
Ulladulla NSW
Happy day, safe travelling
Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)


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Posts: 2601

yep thats the way of the true nomad, "take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints"
I reckon we will lose an icon of a freebie between burra and morgan "the burra creek gorge" for years it has been a low cost great little campground but because people come in and dont pay then the owner is thinking about shutting it down

I have spoken to the owner quite a few times and he is a great bloke, however he says that he gets sick and tired of putting facilities in place like toilets and rubbish bins only to have it cost him money to have the rubbish taken away and things busted

it is after all HIS land and he can shut the gate at any time, which will be a real shame, we always leave a little bit more than required just to say thanks for a great spot

-- Edited by dave06 on Wednesday 8th of April 2009 02:49:01 PM

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday



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All goes back to respect.  Respect for self, others and their property and quite frankly I can see the problem escalating.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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Ma wrote:

Couldn't agree more Dave.  Here in Ulladulla we have a free camp area on Mollymook Beach.  Easter a couple of years ago, vandals uprooted all the new trees, not to mention the destruction of the toilet block and showers.

Certainly does make it hard for people to trust us "Nomads".

We do the same as you, leave with more than you came with most of the time.

What is it that the National Parks or someone say on their signs....."leave only footprints"  or something like that.

"Take only photographs - leave only footprints"
Hey Ulladulla is a nice spot, we had a cabin there for years but the rates got out of hand about $3000 a year.....


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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had a quick look on the interthingy at ulladula, looks to be a nice spot and SOME house prices are quite reasonable, 4 bedder for under $400k I might have a word with the dragon, be like Basil and sell up here

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday



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Bit of advice Dave, don't come in school holidays, Easter or Christmas if you want some peace and quiet to appreciate the scenery.  The population triples at these times of the year.   If you do get around to visiting, make sure you drop us a line so we can put the kettle on


Guru & Ma
Ulladulla NSW
Happy day, safe travelling
Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)


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Posts: 2601

ah just a bit of day dreaming Ma I spoke jokingly about it to the dragon in front of a couple of neighbors and also Julie and they all screamed me down, wouldnt have a bar of it, Julie burst in to tears (hormones raging I guess, buggered if I know) and ran to her room, I had to go and settle her back down, I think I had better shut up and go back to work, much quieter there, this taking a day off work business is no good for me!! one day I guess I'll learn to keep my mouth shut

If I shifted I think I would like the wild west of Tassie but it's too cold for the dragon, I can see myself astride a mountain stream, fly rod in hand, fly landing ever so lightly upon the water, locked in a titanic mind battle with a wary wild trout, with my brain the bugger would win, and I'd end up with wet cold dangly bits as Basil warned me would happen, cant even daydream anymore!!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday



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no Never mind Dave.  I'll get Guru to put the boat back on blocks and the flies and rods into storage.  Couldn't risk your dangly bits now could we.  Invite is open any time though.  Keep it in mind.  and I make a pretty good chocky cake too.


Guru & Ma
Ulladulla NSW
Happy day, safe travelling
Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)


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Posts: 2333

Ma wrote:

Bit of advice Dave, don't come in school holidays, Easter or Christmas if you want some peace and quiet to appreciate the scenery.  The population triples at these times of the year.   If you do get around to visiting, make sure you drop us a line so we can put the kettle on

pssssssssssssst don't tell anyone about the traffic @ holiday times either or the nude bimbo's @ Lobster Jacks beach or the fact that there ia an ALDI in town and a new big BUNNINGS LOL....

A great place to be.......  

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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mmmm!!!! choccy cake yummmm!!!, I might stick the apron on and knock one up, see if Jules wants to give me a hand, invite duly noted, filed and categorised, dangly bits mainly remain for decoration nowadays anyway but still dont like them getting cold

ahhhh!!! Bunnings I can smell the hardware from here, dont know what an "aldi" is but from what I can gather it must be good, nude bimbo's hmmm!!! no better not, I like the sound of "lobster jacks" though, always loved crayfish

is there any where along the east coast that doesnt go beserk during honkidays!!! thats why I prefer inland a little bit

in the poop with the dragon a wee bit now as well, cold nights, mouse enters house, "my fault?????" O.K. I'll set some traps, hmmm!! mouse smarter than I keeps getting the bait, tries again nope foiled again, dragon getting grumpy with mouse in house, blames me again????, dragon spits the dummy and goes and buys some talon rat poison all the while blaming me???, mouse dies in wall!!!!! horrid smell all through house MY FAULT AGAIN?????

cant win!! never mind we nick off again shortly for a week of stupifying relaxation floating down or up the murray, if I can ever get a confirmation email from them

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday



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You know the best part about Bunnings?  The sausage sizzle on Saturday mornings.  Yummo.  The onions do have a bad affect on the Guru though.   LOL  

You'v never heard of Aldi? The el-cheapo supermarket where everything is in boxes and they wizz your stuff through the checkout like there is no tomorrow and expect you to stack it back in your trolley so that you can then TRY and manoevure down the three tired walk way back to your car. Then try and not scratch someone elses car on the way through to your car and then stand there like a stunned mullet when you have forgotten to take along those little green bags and have to just chuck everything on the back seat.................blissful grocery shopping.......NOT!

Lobster Jack's..........that's another story.  Commercial fisher people, need I say more!

Hey mate, you've got broad shoulders, you can take the mickey "mouse" out of anyone.   Good luck with smell.   I can sense some incense coming on.  Cottage Garden maybe.


Guru & Ma
Ulladulla NSW
Happy day, safe travelling
Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)


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Posts: 2601

well I sprayed some of that "household deodorant" around and now the "mixture" is really not pleasant

havent got one of those over here (aldi thingy) sounds like all the rest though

ahh!! the saturday morning sausage sizzle, the dragon wont let me go on a saturday, wont eat what she cooks up, so I get into strife, but I too love the onions but they dont like me much, they keep on trying to get back out

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Helena wrote:

That gets me hopping mad is that we came from England 40 odd years ago as migrants we lived in a hostel thast comprised of nissan huts we had to go to a canteen for meals and you were served meals as if you were in the army line up sort of thing we didn'r complain was grateful to be in this wonderful country and have never looked back consider ourselves Aussie. Have worked bloody hard and never been given anything by the government brought up four kids who are all working. Yet you get these migrants come in today and want everything handed on a plate to them and then still winge.
Sorry but if they do anything illegal as far as I am concerned send back where they came from.
As for free camping we love it and granny as long as you are sensible it is O.K.


Bloody 10 pound poms.......


Funny thing I also remember that at Dundas (Sydney) in 1970, Mum & Dad worked hard to get us into a cheap unit and then kept working hard to keep us fed and watered and myself schooled.

A few years later all of these forieners started arriving by boats from various parts of the asian countries, some of which worked hard for what they now have, but others started what I like to call "the traditional refo whinge"..

What really gets my goat is that some of these no hopers have actually forced the government to listen and change things to thier liking, which brings the question....Since when does a NON voting, NON resident, refugee have the right to demand anything in OUR country.

Don't get me started on this one, the regular army now has been forced to let the various members of the various religious sects (cults) practice their relative prayer rituals in blatant disregard of the required military routines and discipline, talk about inviting the enemy into bed with you....

They come here and refuse to speak english and we are expected to live with it, lets turn the tables and see how we go......

Bring back the death penalty,

Re-instate conscription for 17 to 25 year olds with no exceptions (if they dont want to go send them to gaol for the equivalent amount of time and make them do HARD labour),

Re-introduce the cane in all schools and ban the use of drugs to control the spread of add/adhd and the rest of the excuses for bad behaviour and lack of discipline.

Only put the real criminals behind bars, fine defaulters do time working in the communitty helping the aged and mentally handicapped. Criminals behond bars do HARD labour building roads, footpaths & other communitty projects. Give them 12 hours work 12 hours rest, no free TV, no computers, feed them the same rations the soldiers get.

Bring back discipline.....





Leave only footprints - Take only photographs

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