Are you aware of the three ages of man Chronilogical, ------ I have heard on the tele we could now live to 82 Physical, -------- I feel about 45 with all this wasted digging I am, doing , exercise is supposed to keep you young, Mental, ------ well the verbal jousts I have with the Mines dept are keeping the grey cells alive, bloody minded beaurocrats
Dunno about the ages of man but .. I have just restarted digging post holes, carting soil rocks and stuff helping my son & his father in law every sat & sun .. landscaping his surburban block. No govt ning nongs to worry about or even shiney things to find .. but gee I enjoy it ... even if they poke fun at my soft hands & rigger's gloves. Not only does my gut dissapear, but it is great re-bonding stuff. I feel good despite the stiffness at the end of the day.