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Continuing with the idea that we have a forum that can discuss any subject,
How many of you lot believe in ghosts,
As a Kid in school in Dover UK my friends and I used to play around a lot in the Castle
Now Dover castle is a big tourist thing but back in the late 40s it was not a place you would pay to look at,
Any way this day we were in the Great Hall and they have a lot of BIG wall hangings made from some very heavy matierial  and they were just hanging there when all of a sudden there was a violent shift to all them, the door was shut, and the slots which  passed as windows you could see the blue sky and there was not a breath of a breeze was blowing,
well we all took to our heels scared s***less
I have also seen pics taken of ghosts in some of the old houses in the UK and wondered if there is any in OZ
have you you seen them 

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number

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Ok I will go out on a limb here...

Now this may sound odd, I don't belive in ghosts as such, although I have been in some old places where strange and unexplainable things have occured.

Scenario 1.
A friend was looking to rent a house in Melbourne, and she asked me to come along with her. I had never seen this place before, let alone even been to said suburb.

When we first pulled up outside the house I just blerted out, "You can't rent this, someone has died here". This kinda came as odd to her and myself/

We walked inside with said real estate personage, and I just walked straight to a particular room and said 'This is the room'.

What had actually occured was someone was murdered in the house 30 years prior and in this particular room I said.

Scenario 2.
This was actually at a mates place.
He would never stay in there at night, always saying it was haunted, we all thought he just got on the slops to much haha.

I ended up staying there on a permanant basis for sometime, and it was the weirdest place I have ever been in. Lights would turn on by themselves, doors would open and close, things would get moved.

Footsteps on the stairs. First up I thought it was my mate trying to put the wind up me, but after donning a torch and shining it up said stairway (there was no light in the stairway), and still hearing these footsteps coming down the stairs and there was definately no person walking down them that I could see.

I am not the only one who has witnessed these happenings, if I was the only one I would seriously consider booking myself into a mental institution.

Scenario 3.
A lot of people who visit this particular sheep station have experienced this happening.

Me and a fellow worker were sitting outside on the verandah of the shearers quarters having a cup of coffee, she asked me if I could hear crying, we both put it down to cats and continued to yak.

Then as plain as day we both heard 'Help me mummy'.
Needless to say we shat ourselves. Curiosity got the better of us, and from what we could determine it was coming from near an old tree.

The next day the wife of the property came over with breakfast and I asked her about the tree thing, she burst into tears and run off. I felt pretty bad as I had obviously said something that upset her greatly. Later on I was talking to the husband and he told us that his wifes little sister had fallen down an old well where the tree was and couldn't get out, and ultimately died in said well. The well was covered in and a tree planted there as a memorial. Apparently it was common to hear this little girl calling out.

I have been into many other old abandonned houses over time, I kinda like going through ruined places, and been to plenty of presumably haunted houses without anything occuring out of the ordinary.

One of my freinds used to live in a house, and she said there was a ghost in it, and it would tap you on the shoulder if you sat at the end of the table. I thought this was a load of crock, and sat myself down at the end of the table, and about an hour later felt a cold rush of air, like a door being opened and a feeling as if someone was leaning on my shoulder, considering there were only three people in the house at the time, myself and two others, who I could plainly see in front of me, I have no rational explanation for this occurance.


Stew, VK3FEMT.


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You bet I DO NOT BELIVE in ghosts, even though I have seen 5 of them, with a witness and they were as clear as day and we both thought we were being tricked.

Before the road around Lake George was upgraded and re routed we were traveling home one evening about 9pm, come round a corner and there are 5 people standing in the middle of the road 3 males a female and a little girl all dressed in old fashioned clothes. So we drove straight thru them there was no time to stop, pulled the car up ran back expecting to see carnage and there was nothing. Another car came along and though we saw nothing in the beam of it's headlights the other driver hit the brakes skids to a halt and
got out of the car screaming....

 I told some people who I worked with who of course said your mad but another told me to phone this bloke who was indeed curious and after I'd told him he told me the story that 4 people were drowned on Lake George in the mid 1800's and they knew who the 3 males were but did not know the little girl and there had been many sightings  there and many many car crashes at that exact place.

After the road was rerouted and strangley enough an underpass was put at this spot they have never been seen again.....

OK so how is this possible?
Don't know I guess as one of the people at the ANU explained to me that had I seen a transistor before 1948 I would not have had an answer as to how it worked or what it was and there are many things that defy a rational answer...

To this day I just don't know.

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

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My loved one and me have lived in the house we now own since 1987 and we both firmly we have a ghost. It is a split level house and we sometimes see something hovering down the stairs.The cat reacts and a dog we used to have went ballistic at the same time.Our son aged about 18/19 at the time once came down after showering and asked us if we were playing tricks on him.when we asked why he said him and his girlfriend were showering and a shape of a hand was seen on the outside of the shower curtain.It was not us.The ghost does not cause any problems and while many may think we are mad we see what we see.I have tried to find out if any thing happened in this house but all we can find is a person had taken her own life 2 houses from us.This spirit can stay with us as long as it wants as it is not causing any problems.


Jack Cherie and the memory of the four legged kids.

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Hmmmm.......this is giving me the spooks ! Some years ago I was in a two story industrial office building in the early hours of the morning, nobody was in the building which had internal alarm sensors when the alarm was set. When I entered the building, the alarm was on and I took it off, nobody else around.

I was sitting at a desk and heard distinct heavy footsteps walking across the floor from the floor above me which was accessed by a staircase. This floor was in darkness, and had anyone been up there before I entered the building the sensors would have set the alarm off. I went upstairs and turned the lights on, nobody on the floor, returning downstairs, I heard the footsteps again, but this time did not bother checking. When I left I reset the building alarm and left the building, waiting outside for a bit to make sure the alarm was not going to go off, but nothing happened so I left. Near this office was a large workshop building (also on alarm) and on another occasion in the early hours of the morning I had take the alarm off to go into the building which was in darkness, except for a few fire exit lights. I happened to pass a toilet that had a handle removed from the door and light was showing through a 6cm hole in the door which I thought was strange, as staff and security normally turn all the lights off. I approached this door (I hadn't bothered turning any inside building lights on as it was too much hassle looking for light switches and the fire exit door lights gave enough light to see your way around in the darkness) and as I did so the light went off. Stopped me dead in my tracks, as the building was empty. So I opened the door and put the light on, nobody in the toilet. Found out later that someone had died in the same building in an industrial accident.

At home we have a friendly ghost, sometime at night we can feel a presence and shadowy figures, and the distinct smell of a pleasant pipe tobacco, not sure what it is but we have learned to live with it. We have had the home for 20 years since new and nobody has died in it to our knowledge. Maybe some people are more prone to seeing/feeling the supernatural?

Just remembered, their was another home demolished on the spot where our home was built, so maybe that had some sort of...............history..........he he.


-- Edited by Vic41 on Friday 5th of June 2009 07:10:24 AM

-- Edited by Vic41 on Friday 5th of June 2009 07:13:04 AM


"Sunset Coast"
Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club


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Wow, didnt expect all that,
When I was looking for a house in Melbourne to cut up and move to Bendigo on a block of land I had bought I had my dog with me Bonnie x shepherd with boxer
Looked at about 6 houses always asking if my dog could accompany me with the usual yes in reply
Came to a house in Glenroy and Bonnie refused to come in ,sat on the footpath and wouldnt budge
On entering the house it was a mess, holes in plaster, door hanging of one hinge, windos cracked,
to this day I dont know what caused it but had a deeper insight into the extra senses that our animals have

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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Talking of dogs, we have decided to get a replacement for Pixie, we have named her "Tisha"
A 7mth old Basenji bitch, arriving on Sunday

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number

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Good luck with the new hound Mike & Judy, should have got a foxie or Jack Russel, they like to go down holes, would have fitted in with your burrowing etc, lol (just kidding).

She will be great company for you both!



"Sunset Coast"
Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club

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Best be believing in them. Used to live in a room over what was a morgue during the great influenza epidemic after WW1. What I saw and heard, no way science could answer even if one asked them to.furiousfuriousfuriousfurious 



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It's often been said that there is lot more to know than we think we know that there is to know.


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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Rolly wrote:

It's often been said that there is lot more to know than we think we know that there is to know.

 Yes Rolly True, and of course most of us have forgotten most of what we thought we knew and really don't comprehend what we think we should know...

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

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Animals definatley have a 7th and 8th senses. They know exactly when it's going to rain and they also seem to have the abilty to sense impending disaster. How they do this is beyond science to understand. Logically nothing can tell the future apart from maybe weather but an animal can't possibly understand the mechanics of things and know that a plane is going to crash or whatever....
If you look at someone like Whitby Strieber, who I put in the category of "total fruitcake" (but it's disconcerting reading) he sites case after case of dogs & cats and horses detecting Alien Lifeforms on Earth. OH YEAH!!! of course they all live in the USA and Russia but he does have some credibilty. The stats of people being abducted are just unbelievable ( around 50000 Yanks a year) yet he has found people who have "implants" that give these Aliens control over the people so implanted. Hubris? who knows a bit like Nessie, I'll belive when I can see a clear in focus picture that has not been doctored, even the fake Nessie photos are fake. and UFO's well I'm not so niave as to believe that we are the only planet with intelligent life in the universe but why do they all speak with American accents and WHY if they can travel so far don't they let us in on the trick.
I'm of to change the germanium crystal in my Phone Box.
Have a look at this and tell me I'm not a fruitcake too;

-- Edited by Basil Faulty on Sunday 7th of June 2009 01:30:16 PM

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......

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Sheesh I will be looking at anyone I'm talking to with suspicion.......Are they one of them............quick dog, get over here and sniff this one out for me, LOL !


"Sunset Coast"
Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club

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I actually find this kind of thing very interesting.
And for every occurance I try to find a rational reason for the happening.

One that comes to mind is my friend (who believed in ghosts etc etc) honestly believed their house was haunted to the point of having moving out into a motel, calling in a priest to "bless" the house, which was funny in itself, said priest also witnessed the occurance and by his rather hasty departure I am more then confident he headed home for a quick shower and change of daks.

Curiousity got the better of me, and I went to the house with a mate and we spent the weekend in there, and witnessed this window that would open and shut it itself, first time it occured we shat ourselves. Although it was quickly obvious that this window opening and shutting only happened when people where in the room, and at no other time - in my twisted mind I concluded it had something to do with us being in the room.

So we walked in and out of the room several times and on cue the window would open. My mate being a builder said that the floor was warped or similar and then he pulled the window apart and apparently the weights on the ropes (it was the old sliding type with weights on the ends of ropes) were not heavy enough and when you walked over a particular spot on the floor it was enough to make the window fly open and then bash back down again.

Poltergeist and Priest - 0
Mythbusters - 1


Stew, VK3FEMT.


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Posts: 2333

Vic41 wrote:

Sheesh I will be looking at anyone I'm talking to with suspicion.......Are they one of them............quick dog, get over here and sniff this one out for me, LOL !

Vic you only have to worry if they have that Yankee drawl.... reading one of this streibers books he describes how he personally was at this place in Utah and there were some hunters around and their dogs were sniffing the floor and one of them thought that something was odd so they all bravely went into the basement to see what was causeing the dogs to sniff. Of course they found an alien spacecraft and the moment they tried to carry it out into the open 3 BIG BLACK CARS drove up and Federal Agents hand cuffed them and took them away and injected them with something to make them forget , siezed the spaceship... Pure fiction but Yanks buy it...
Have a look at some of these videos and you will be conviced beyond a shadow of doubt that some people have vivid imaginations;

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
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