Just read this little snippet in the Daily Telegraph. Lets hope the people of NSW wake up some time soon and get rid of the current government. It's mostly people of our generation that these "little" taxes slug the hardest:
"The greatest slug will be on motorists seeking to transfer registrations. They will be hit with fees rising by almost $400.
And personalised or prestige number plates in some cases will rise by up to $40.
But disabled motorists have also been hit with a 6 per cent price increase for disabled parking permits from $33 to $35.
Many of the fee increases, while seemingly small in dollar terms, are two and three times the annual rate of inflation and unjustified according to the NSW Opposition.
"Eric Roozendaal didn't mentioned disabilities once during his Budget speech this week. Now we know why - he'd been planning a secret slug on them
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
The greatest slug will be on motorists seeking to transfer registrations. They will be hit with fees rising by almost $400
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Its just like transferring anything. Take a land title, how simple is it to put your name as the new owner after the last person who had it and if that name is the same as the seller then all's sweet but it takes weeks and a pocket full of money.
Once you pay out the mortgage on your home wait and see the bank fees applied to recovery your deeds
The personalized plates is another rip if you have at least one number in the plate then it's one fee only for the life of the plate ,if it's all letters , say the dogs name , then it's an annual fee WHY same horse just a different jockey as they say .
In NSW we have so many little taxes that you get hit with every year your first months salary is sucked up in state taxes, then there's the fed waiting for their share .
Try figuring out local governemnt for fees and rip offs ,sit down with a cuppa first, The first surprise if building comes when you read the many escape clauses in any council inspection procedure and come to realize that nobody but the property owner is responsible if it fails to meet the many building codes . If you haven't got a life and need to exercise your mind work it out I would guess that well over 45% of your income goes into paying fees or taxes
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times