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Post Info TOPIC: accumalation


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When I sold the house I was surprised at the "STUFF" I had accumalated over the years, I 've avvised other nomads that this is the most difficult part of becoming a full time Nomad,
Now I've started again with a partner "WE" have accumalated again
We went along to our local market to get rid of a lot of it, and Tisha behaved with remarkable results for a puppy, all in the process of socialising her 
lots of lovely gemstones to buy, real sapphires, not the fake things
Love to wander markets , -------Do you,??

 Notice to all Nomads "GEMFEST" is on again several millions in Sapphires on display, buyers visit from all over the world, August 7th 8th 9th weekend 
Big festival, lots of free camping to all  

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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You are not alone. I lived in a 22ft van in Broome for 8 years before I bought the van I have now. First was the transfer between vans, into a van with less cupboards.
Then it was time to hit the road, so weight was the priority so all the heavy clutter had to go.
I've been on the road since Aug 07, and I've recently had a clean out and the Salvos were the beneficiaries. Excess bed linen, rugs, and clothes which have shrunk while hanging in my cupboards.
I have a habit of keeping things for "Justin" - just in case I need it. If I haven't used it in the previous 6 mths it goes.
I think we're all guilty of hoarding and keeping an emotional link to our "stuff".

The Gemfest sounds great, but I don't think I'll get out there this year. I'll call in when next I'm passing through Emerald, Rubyvale and Willows, to add to my Rubyvale sapphire.
Cheers Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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Hi All,
Yes we do accumulate material things in our lives.When we left Tassie we brought the bare essentials with us and have found we did not need those other things that we gathered over the years. All we have fits into our bus and we only have two bins of clothes each and that is too much.
Are we greedy with what we gathered or is it just human nature.Our daughter was really happy that we got rid of the clutter as she wont have to do it when the time comes...

Happy safe travels all
Chris and Robbie



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We must all be the same.When we left Qld.we sorted all the keep and not keep things.put the furniture into storage,looked around until we found a place that we both liked.Moved our furniture into it.Then the journey started.Vinnies,Tip Shop,Op shops,you name it.One step foreward two steps back.The mind boggles.Cheers.Ibbo.


"Wings Over The Navy"


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I never want to leave the clutter and hoarding for my children to clean up after I've gone.
My dad knew he was not long of this world for almost 12 months, but he kept accumulating.
When he bought a lot at a clearing sale he took everything - not just the bits he needed.
The house he lived in still had the former owners' personal belongings, clothing, linen and china. His mallee block was stackked with old cars, off-cuts of galv sheeting, and all manner of stuff of no use to anyone, particularly me. Some old but sturdy antique furniture went to a good home for much less than it was worth.
It was a major project to pack up, clear up and sell up.
Thanks to the wonderful helpers of the Murray Bridge Lions Club it went off smoothly, and I didn't have any qualms donating a percentage to them. They also had a sausage sizzle at the auction.
All I can say is, "Don't do it! Don't hoard and collect!"
Bugger Justin - he can do without. Cheers Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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.. I'm taking all this in .. The house is sold and I'll be out in 4 weeks ! 32 years here and I'm sure someone musta helped me 'collect' all this stuff .. phewww!
Fortunately, my youngest lad is hoping to buy a home soon, so he's gonna take a lot and store it.

.. what does one take for the 'road' in the initial move ?  In the interim til I get the wheels on the road, I'll be staying at my eldest lads place, so I will leave an 'overflow' there for the short term ..

The call to be a Nomad and to enjoy this country really does come from the heart, and I'm starting to understand and appreciate the experience that comes from you established Nomads, and that to fully enjoy the opportunities I must take the time to find my own 'niche' out there .. then to share it !
.. Even though I dont write all that often, I do a lot of reading. The assortment of views and experiences presented here forms an excellent 'potpurri' of knowlege that I do enjoy  ..
Thanks go to you all !



>>  itinerant  <<


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we have given up on "the dream" don't think it will ever happen, our son is our son "forever" and as such will be with us "til death do us part"

we have loved this old house (85 plus years old) I have rebuilt her from a rubbish pile to an attractive warm family home, been here close to 25 years

but she who must be obeyed said the other day, " hey d i c k head" (isn't she a darling and so loving) "you're getting too old for this place, why don't we downsize" (she didn't call me that but it may just as well have have been)

well "downsizing" to ME means going smaller, but apparently not the case with a woman, she had seen a very agreeable home (to her) that she simply "must have", a veritable modern day mansion of gigantic proportions (well to me anyway I grew up and am living in a 3 bedder and one loo)

"the yard is much smaller and so much easier to manage" she states, we are currently on a double block, the one she wants has no vehicular access to the rear yard

we went and had a look with the undertaker er real estate agent and I immediately felt "out of place" glass everywhere and mirrors and down lights, carpets up to my armpits, umpteen dozen rooms all with built ins and en suites galore, god I don't belong here, this is not me, our current house could easily fit under the "all weather entertainment area"

but she who is the font of all knowledge stated "we'll take it" and immediately put in an offer and put our lovely family home up for sale

now I feel like the lad who sowed his wild oats on Saturday and is praying for crop failure on Monday

what about all my "STUFF" there is no room for it there, the big yard is all bloody house, I have tools of all descriptions and sizes for timber and steel, I can build or repair anything, refloat the Titanic and I'll fix her good as new

but the ball and chain Say's "well it's time you slowed down, you're crook"

so folks thats my dilemma, my past life is, or will be finished, I will forever be a "hobbyist" doomed to fiddle in a little outpost of a building that is constructed to such a standard that I am very loathe to dirty the floor and probably need to wipe my feet before entering

and i fear i will have to shower to be allowed access back in to to the "big house" if Madam allows me in there at all, but that can be achieved in the, what I jokingly call the workshop, it has a full ensuite as well as a fridge and all cooking facilities and ducted reverse cycle air - con

talk about accumulation, hell I will have to have a sale to end all sales and hope no-one turns up, theres truckloads of the stuff

but the dragon always gets what the dragon wants!!!

I will just go back to my customary statement of "yes dear" and get on with whatever is to be done


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"



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We recently moved MIL and BIL from Melbourne to Ulladulla. Guru and I did ALL the packing and of course - and understandably - MIL didn't want to part with anything.

Finally arrived at destination - to a much smaller place - trying to amalgamate two households into one.

Now I am entitled to be a "GREY" nomad.

Seriously, after that experience I am now going through all our "Stuff" and getting rid of or passing on all that is surplus to requirements.  Gotta snap the heartstrings on some of it but don't want my kids to have to sort through clutter.



Guru & Ma
Ulladulla NSW
Happy day, safe travelling
Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)


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I "feel" for you Dave........

I would kill for a double block. Loads of shed space.............fruit trees...............veggie patch.................etc etc. Who needs a BIG house. Not me!! You only get more freeloaders and dust gathering!

Chin up mate!

Good to see you back in here and I hope you get completely better real quick!! HURRY UP!!

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.

If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!


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yep I love the old place, got swags of freinds just the other side of the fences, anyone pulls up theres room out the front of the workshop for the van (off the road) everyone knows where we live

time to slow down according to the quack anyway so perhaps she's right, off to the mansion we go


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"

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