Hi there, My husband Ted and myself took the first step today! We applied for a year of leave from work! Not sure yet as to whether it will be granted ... but it has begun the preparation for us to undertake a year of travel around Aus. Any tips on how to get ourselves prepared for this big adventure? We will buy a smallish caravan and set out early next year. We don't have any plans as to the direction we will take, and that is part of the adventure. Looking forward to replies from those who have already passed this point. Cheers, Jenny
Well done and congratulations! I'm excited for you. Welcome to The Grey Nomads. Gee, when you ask a question you really ask a beauty. The answer may be as broad. Make sure the vehicle you choose will be up to the task of towing the caravan of your choice. Will the van be a full van or pop-top? Just asking. Pack for 2, that's everything from plates, cups, cutlery etc. Make the best of the space you have. Decide if you'll use caravan parks or free camp. You may choose a combination of both. Free camping keeps the cost down. Decide on some of the places you want to visit before you leave home. The plans will change many times, but at least you'll have a vague idea. Saves on domestics down the track. I've seen a lot of domestics explode during the parking procedure. He reverses the van in, she yells directions. Some even have hand-held UHF radios and conduct their domestic on air. If you have some sort of understanding of directions before you leave home it will be a nicer experience. Now, all you have to do is familiarise yourself with your van and it's equipment and fittings, and drive out the driveway. What will you do with your house/furniture while you're away? Just asking. Asking is learning. Good luck with the leave applications. Safe and happy travels. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Good advice from Chris, I am sure others here can offer good advice too. My caravan is a small one (pop top) only 12 1/2 ft long. A lot depends on what you need or want in a caravan or motorhome, some need to be bigger if you want things like shower & toilet etc.
Ours suits us, mainly as it is the only size we can park at home in our villa unit, but being small and less weight uses less fuel to tow etc, also within the towing capacity of our tug.
Keep asking questions, heaps of experienced people here to answer them.
Best wishes, Vic
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Hi Jenny and Ted welcome from us as well. great advice from Chris and Vic and more will come. Suggest you read the articles on the home page as well. Only new to this ourselves, all a learning curve but part of the adventure of life.
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
before we travel the only thing we work out is if we're going north,south or west (can't go east or we end up in the coral sea after five minutes).when we stop for a few days i usually get the map out the day before we leave and then decide where to go.no definite plans on where to go only the amount of time we have left on the road before returning home.so relaxing. rocan
before we travel the only thing we work out is if we're going north,south or west (can't go east or we end up in the coral sea after five minutes).when we stop for a few days i usually get the map out the day before we leave and then decide where to go.no definite plans on where to go only the amount of time we have left on the road before returning home.so relaxing. rocan
perfect discription of a Nomad, tell me Roy is you grey also
Hi Jenny welcome to the forum, just pore over all the travel maps you can get, take a look at all the websites and do a fair bit of dreaming first, dont make too many plans as you wont stick to them anyway, just take a look "over the next rise"