Id like to share with you an embarrassing little tale that you may find amusing. You have to bear in mind that we have been caravanning since the 1970s and I feel that I should have everything down pat in caravanning. Our first van was silver aluminium 14 foot Franklin with an annexe. No zips at this time. The corners on this annexe were secured by cord loops put round the pole and through the next loop and so on all the way down to the ground then pegged down. Even the doors were secured this way. Very slow to close, especially in inclement weather, but very effective. Our next van was 20 foot Franklin Arrow of mid 70s vintage. Much better for our family of six, with some bunks in the front. We purchased a second hand annexe from a different brand and shape of van so we had to have the annexe reshaped to fit. This one had zippers on the joins. Oh joy of joys. The doors could be closed and secured quickly, fantastic. So as you can see I have had along with the Boss quite a lot of experience in assembling and erecting annexes.
Fast forward to 2008 and a trip to Mallacoota in East Gippsland. Most of you would know where that is. A fantastic little destination and one we were revisiting after nearly 24 years. It was a favourite destination when the family was young and the schools had holidays, not semesters and one those holidays fell in May. Well here in Victoria they did. For 6 or 7 years we made an annual trek. It left so much of a mark on one of our sons that he has rekindled the trek with his own family albeit camping as he has a boat and is heavily into fishing. We were fortunate to be asked if we would like to join them for a week on their annual holiday last year. Having been so long since we had been there the thought was quite exciting. After the stories related to us by this son on the way Mallacoota hadnt really changed since his childhood, well not much anyway. We jumped at the chance. It was decided by the person close to me that makes the really important decisions that it might be a good idea if we went a couple of days earlier and take our 2 grandchildren with us. How could I argue with that? So it was arranged and off we go. Quite a programme was laid out for this adventure. Picking the GKs up in Berwick, they had no idea we were taking them early. They thought they were catching up with us at Mallacoota. The surprise was great and it wasnt until we were pulling into the caravan park at Traralgon that it was believed they were getting a couple of days extra off school. It was a good trip with another night spent at Lakes Entrance to keep the youngsters entertained. We finally arrive at Mallacoota. It really hasnt changed that much and already the smile on my face was wide.
Got on site with wonderful water views. Boy those water views are fantastic. Good grassed site at the base of a gentle slope and only 50 meters from the amenities. All in all we couldnt have asked for better.
We purchased our first ever brand new pop top van last year and decided to have an annexe made to fit on the roll out. This is our first time of erecting it. We had the instructions printed out and I gave them to the Boss to read out as we are going along. Now my male pride gets in the way here. I requested that she keep the vocal instructions as quiet as possible as I didnt want everyone to know I hadnt put this annexe up before. We are going well. Put the extra roofing rails in, slid the walls into the sail track, looking good. It started to rain. Not a light rain bit heavy enough to be really uncomfortable. Put the GKs in the van, havoc being created after a short time. The Boss trying to keep the printed instructions dry as they were not laminated and when the water hits the print it washes off. You know what I mean. The time comes to attach the walls to the skirt of the pop top. I had come prepared for this with a small step ladder to make reaching up easier. I get hold of the flap on the wall to secure it to the turn clip on the pop top skirt. It wasnt there. Puzzled, frustrated, it took a minute to work out why I couldnt attach the flap. I had, I still cant believe this, forgotten to put the pop top up. So all my effort about not making a fool of myself was lost. Fortunately the pop top went up easily without having to take down any of the annexe that had been attached. The rain got heavier over the next 3 days and the annexe was brilliant. Not a leak to be found. Alls well that ends well. We had a brilliant holiday with plenty of fun with the young family and lots of fresh fish (Omega 3) to dine on. The weather did improve and I dont think I will ever get the set up of the annexe wrong again.
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!
Thank you Terry !!! You have made me feel so much better knowing that it is not just me who does things like that.
Personally I would be blaming it all on the one reading the instructions out...........after were only obeying orders and if you weren't told to put the pop top up........???
How old are the G/Ks?? I hope they remember the whole thing and give it back to you one day.
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
well Terry first let me thank you for placing a very lengthy and well descripted peice of your life, I for one enjoy other peoples pleasures and despair at others hardships, to describe such an event in one or two lines would have been impossible but to place it in such a detailed tail is a joy to read
I've said it before "been there done that", we all make the blunders but few of us admit to them, none of us should be ashamed of them
memories built in such a way have a habit of staying around forever, get em young and bring em up right, they will bring their kids along when the time is right, well done you!
I too remember the dreaded "cord" that secured the awnings and the frayed ends that would not go through the eyelets, as well as the frenzied attack when the knot would not come undone in the morning "rush hour" to the loo