so when buying the van my dad (86) wanted comfort etc, so he got one with a shower/toilet, I told him I'll always take the thing to the dump point, do all that stuff now at our first park he tells me to use the park toilets, and showers etc..
I can understand the shower thing, but not to use the loo, he said he'll use a tin beside the bed, yuk.. thats last century camping in my mind, I'm the one doing all the work, hooking up the power, the water, the dump site stuff, doing as much as I can so he can just enjoy it 4 is it me or is this a generation gap thing?? (almost 40) hmm
If we are in a CVP we use their facilities. After all that's what you are paying for. Admittedly we use our Loo in the middle of the night though.
Shower and Loo come in real handy when you free camp and sometimes its good to have the convenience of a loo when you are travelling and no public facilities for miles and miles. It's alright for you blokes though you just need a tree ....... LOL
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
At 86, you should let the poor old bugger piddle where he wants to Milo. I would just be happy that he actually wakes up at night to piddle and doesn't sleep through (if you get my drift) The tin can, can always be emptied but the smell is hard to get out of a mattress. If he is happy ...............WooHoo!
How many years did he do all the work for you?? Imagine if he had got it Milo campervan???? Doesn't bear thinking about does it. At almost 40 it shouldn't be a problem for you.
Just take him where he wants to go and be glad he can still figure out how it all works. So many of them can't and all too soon.............................!!!!
-- Edited by Disco Duck on Friday 25th of September 2009 10:57:03 PM
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
dont fret it Milo, we have had the "portaloo" for what seems like centurys but I have never and will never use it, I do all the "secret mens business" but I always use the scrub for my nocturnal wanderings with the shovel for company
just tell the old feller he is more than welcome to use it and it is no inconvenience to empty the thing but in the end just let him do what he wants to do,
but oh boy that "tin" would go, i wouldnt allow that,
persistance and gentle persuasion will win in the end, if not maybe a couple clouts under the ear until he comes to heel, Maybe a rolled up newspaper would help?? whaaaat! it worked with "Fuggles" and the "dragon", principle's the same
persistance and gentle persuasion will win in the end, if not maybe a couple clouts under the ear until he comes to heel, Maybe a rolled up newspaper would help?? whaaaat! it worked with "Fuggles" and the "dragon", principle's the same
Hope the weather is kind to you Dave while you spend the next however long in the dog house...................
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
gonna be a long summer out here, better get the other widescreen out I think!, might need a bigger doghouse, now where can I whack the ducts for the air con in, no ceiling in here, I wonder if our glorious leaders will subsidise the insulation for it
you guessed it, she read it, I was cleaning the leaves, dust and mud out under the carport, she walks out with a, ...............................yep, ......................rolled up newspaper, whacked me a beauty and walked inside saying "you know what thats for, anybody needs training around here it's you"
she's a hard woman!! wasnt like that when I married her.
no wonder the dogs dont like the newspaper, it bloody hurts!
flowers dont work, I found some lovely soursobs and gave them to her and she was not impressed so all my charm is to no avail this time!, Jules just shook her head and said "you will never learn will you"
never mind tomorrow is another day
Basil how does one encrypt a website, it's getting too dangerous to leave it open to prying eyes
Milo, you're SO lucky to have a Dad who will travel with you at age 86! My father wouldnt ever leave his home town once he got past his 50's. Sadly he wouldnt allow Mum to go anywhere either, and was always complaining about us "gadding about" !! I'm envious, but at the same time, can understand your frustration. Your Dads not gonna change, not even under Daves training methods, so just relax and let him do his own thing. His pee-tin under the bed will be a bit smelly... maybe you could negotiate/persuade him to use a container with a tight-fitting lid, to save spills as well as perfumes? Looking forward to hearing about your travels together.
And Dave...enjoy the dog-house! It seems your good "Dragon-lady" knows you arent gonna change either!
depends on the level of pain Ducky............giggle
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)