Hi Everyone, we are thinking of going to the Eyre Pens next year and were wondering what time of year was the best. We were looking at Feb - April. Would like it if the weather was warm but not too hot - happy up to 30 degrees or so. Also any ideas on great camp spots (preferably not caravan parks) and things not to miss would be appreciated.
Eyre peninnuslar is a beautiful spot to visit, lots to do and see. Plenty of free camps up and down but can recommend Port Gibbon loos and water, donation box Lipsom Cove, drop loo nothing else but picture perfect views. Both are in the bible.
While in Port Lincoln do the "swimming with tuna" tour, It was $40pp when we did it 2 yrs ago. Coffin Bay for oysters and the NP
Went to the Eyre Peninsular in 2006. It was October/November. The weather was not too bad, sunny clear days. We were staying at Kirton Point CP, Port Lincoln. The only problem was the wind, strong enough to work 2 windmills!!!!! The locals call it "Blowvember". I would imagine Feb to April would be quite pleasant. Getting away anytime is quite pleasant.
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!
Hi there Leajoy. feb to april is a fairly calm time with the wind over there but feb does tend to get hot. they had like a lot of us last summer over a week of 45 degree days. As gary and kerry said the tuna tour is great and well worth it. Oysters in Coffin Bay and Streaky bay are excellent. Camping at Louth bay there is a spot on the water they used to just have an honesty box to put a couple of dollars in and have toilets. Port Lincoln you can camp at the national park if you are dog free there is a small charge but nice spots. But the Kirkton Point caravan park is in a great spot with fantastic views over the bay but not dog friendly. there are quite a few camping spots between Port Lincoln and Streaky bay but you have to get off the bitumen and go the scenic route to find the best ones and well worth the scenery. Also check out the seal colony at Point Labatt. We will also be over that way at that time doing some fishing. So happy travels. chezgo
Thanks everyone for your input. I now have a lot more areas to think about while researching for the trip and working out where we will spend out time also the Nullabor website is very useful - I hadn't come across it in my searches to date.
dont discount the free or low cost camps all through that area, population low for distance so many fantastic beaches (worlds best) that your footprints will be the only ones ever seen oh yours and the seals, lovely place!!