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Web sites

About 24 hours ago I sent an email to the Hillbilly camp oven site pointing out that their Bushking product was said to have a "width" of 410mm, but the vegie ring which fits inside said oven had a diameter of 275mm.
As somebody said, this does not compute.
I have NOT had a reply. And I will probably never get one.
Why do companies have web sites if they don't bother to reply to queries?
Because they are Australian and don't give a damn. It's a national characteristic and it drives me nuts.
It's an indication of why this is a third rate nation and will always be one.
Luckily, in this case there is a perfectly good alternative supplier. Guess whose product I will be buying?
Sadly, Tony


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I have no connection with Hillbilly Camp Ovens or any other camp oven supplier but I think I would have allowed a little longer than 24 hours for a reply.

I have generally found that most email enqiries are answered promptly.

That said, it does annoy me too when website advertisers are tardy to reply to enquiries. Other annoyances are websites that are either out of date, uninformative, difficult to navigate, or ones that are overly "fancy" and as a consequence are slow to download and gobble up megabytes of data download allowance.

I have recently been making enquiries into a GPS purchase and have found that local suppliers here in Newcastle wouldn't know "poop from clay" when it comes GPS, meaning that I am now dealing with out of town suppliers on-line.


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the trouble is that a "second" contact centre such as a web address rely's on a "third" party affiliate to pass the info on, it then relies on an overworked secretary to access this info on a regular basis

find a "direct" line of contact with the hillbilly camp oven manufacturer and speak or email them directly

I often use web addresses and am in contact with quite a few and have yet to have a problem, I find none of them or australia to be "third rate" in any way shape or form,

australia is and always has been and always will be nothing but absolutely first rate

allowances, such as time constraint variabilitys must be taken in to acount, I would bet a dollar to a dog biscuit that in the fullness of time the email will be answered by a lovely receptionist who will apoligise for her tardiness

if you wish an instant reply then a direct line of contact should be sought!

......................................telephone: 039 754 5053........................................................


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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I'm upset at your opinion of this country. Why are you so down on Oz?
Where would you prefer to be instead of living in this "third rate nation"?
Why do you think it's a third rate nation?
I find most businesses are keen to please the customer, and those that aren't, are out of business fairly quickly.
Even Telstra Bigpond get back to email queries quickly. Satisfaction is not always guaranteed, but at least they respond.
All my online or email queries to businesses have been replied to very quickly.
Your sadness Tony has made me sad.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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TonyD....having a bad day? Not much like you...............??

Australia................third rate?? NO WAY!!

I guess this makes us better than Hillybilly. You got an instant response waiting !!

Get the stress ball out old mate and re-assess.

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

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OK, I've now had a reply from Hillbilly admitting that I was right! It's just that I get p*ssed off with Australian attitudes to service and it makes me angry when I think what the nation COULD be, compared to what is IS, if more people gave a damn. Added to which, we are saddled with a federal government of breathtaking incompetence, an opposition which would be challenged to organise a piss-up in a brewery, and don't even mention those incompetent clowns in NSW.
And checkout chicks with attitude ... but I won't rave on.
Cheers, Tony


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Rave away Tony, it helps to get it out. i agree to a certain extent, the NSW bit is a mystery but we have our own Brumby here in Mexico. Be thankful you are north of the border.


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I hold a similar opinion of Telstra AND Bigpond. Yeah, yeah, I know they're one and the same, sort of.
That makes double trouble.
What are the shares worth these days anyway?


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Cruising Granny wrote:

I hold a similar opinion of Telstra AND Bigpond. Yeah, yeah, I know they're one and the same, sort of.
That makes double trouble.
What are the shares worth these days anyway?

$3.48 the last time I looked.



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You got around that one well TonyD. Looks like they are talking to you again. LOL

Just kidding guys!!

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.

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Indeed, they are a forgiving lot, and I am grateful for it. There's a sense of community on this site that I find comforting. Certain other sites (no names, no libel writs, as Private Eye used to say) are not like that. However, I have broad shoulders and a thick hide. You don't spend nearly 50 years as a journo by being a shrinking violet.!
Hope soon to meet some of you lot out on the road and have a robust exchange of opinions!
Cheers, Tony


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My postive experience on this topic



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tonyd wrote:

Indeed, they are a forgiving lot, and I am grateful for it. There's a sense of community on this site that I find comforting. Certain other sites (no names, no libel writs, as Private Eye used to say) are not like that. However, I have broad shoulders and a thick hide. You don't spend nearly 50 years as a journo by being a shrinking violet.!
Hope soon to meet some of you lot out on the road and have a robust exchange of opinions!
Cheers, Tony

As a journo you also should know by now nothing happens now, especially when you want info immediately.
I've been there and done that too.  I earned a lot of money with patience.
You will also remember that it all works out alright in the end.
Speaking up is a good thing and gets the results, so "violet", relax.



20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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tonyd wrote:

Indeed, they are a forgiving lot, and I am grateful for it. There's a sense of community on this site that I find comforting. Certain other sites (no names, no libel writs, as Private Eye used to say) are not like that. However, I have broad shoulders and a thick hide. You don't spend nearly 50 years as a journo by being a shrinking violet.!
Hope soon to meet some of you lot out on the road and have a robust exchange of opinions!
Cheers, Tony


I posed this question to a contributor to another of the 'nicer' forums:

"What's your take on those individuals on "the other forum" who, despite their
lack of technical training, insist that they are far more knowledgeable than a
bloke who has a 50 years history of engineering, in a number of disciplines, and
who is himself a seasoned camper with decades of wilderness experience in
Australia and overseas ?"

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.



Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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trouble is with folk on websites is that many assumptions are made, without knowing the individuals life history it cannot be known what qualifications, technical or otherwise, he or she has had or his/her particular position unless it is blatantly obvious in which case I would "test" him or her and maybe a pm to state that all is known and just fall inline or exposure will follow

I stick within the bounds of what I know, others make themselves an "all round expert" I dont like them but even they can contribute a little now and then

you have no idea of what he/she has attained unless he/she tells you or produces relevent documentation

an assumption made on ignorance is a very stupid thing, many people become many things on these places and a lot of the time it is false

each individual is to be judged on his/her input and relativity to the original post as well as general helpfulness, not his/her own self importance!

I much rather face to face conversation as the bull**** detector is fully operational, here it is under heavy disguise

Tony we dont like australia run down regardles of what happened, it is the greatest country on earth even with it's failings, you will always get a 'bight' when denegrating our little slice of paradise, patience is always the way to go, hillbilly are a great company, I have seen many of their great products and would recomend them to anyone,

I have had no dealings with them but I was sorely tempted to contact them to see what was going on, oh and ask for a discount for our mob!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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You're doing it again Dave - being the site's unofficial, self-appointed agent and spokesperson.

We are but "contributors" to a site which is owned and managed by the webmaster. I don't believed we are authorised to be such an agent. If Cindy wants us to know these things I'm sure she will advise. I'm sure she would also negotiate such arrangements for the benefit of the site members.

To ASSUME makes an ASS our of U and ME.

We must never underestimate the knowledge and skills of fellow nomad contributors. Until we learn more, we know nothing of their background, experience and qualifications. Mind you, a certificate does not an expert make.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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yes and so are you, if I wish to contact a supplier I will, absolutely none of your business, if I can gain a discount I will, IF I choose to post it for members I will, if you dont like it, stiff! dont take advantage of it!

I think YOU see yourself as the spokesman of the website, in which case YOU are overating your role in here! we are all contributers here, nothing more nothing less and that includes YOU!!!! I dont care to be anything more, I have a life outside of this site! life does not start and finish inside the glowing box!

you merely repeated what I had already stated in your latter part of your rebuke, I find that irritating, I have my opinion and I will express it regardless of what you think!

I have no intention of being anymore than what I am already and I really wish you would get off your high nag and leave it at that!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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No I am not! As a forum regular I have absolutely no delusion as to knowing my place on this forum. And I do my best to stay there.
A 'spokesperson' I most definitely I am not, but I do pass it on the benefits of the site to other prospective nomads I meet along the way.
I am but a humble, hopefully useful, and at times entertaining contributor who chooses to share her own, personal experiences with fellow travellers.
I most certainly would not take it upon myself to solicit discounts and benefits from businesses on behalf of the web site owners. It's bad mannered and presumptuous.
Or do you personally derive such benefits of discounts and special considerations using the name of The Grey Nomads website?
We've had this "chat" before Dave. It seems you once again miss the point, and insist on taking it upon yourself to be the agent and spokesperson for the site and the owners. At least that's the impression I've derived from your comments.
If one does it, let's all do it, IF the webmaster approves and endorses such actions.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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yes we've had this talk before and I will tell you again get a hobby and mind your own business, not up to you to keep the forum or anything else in hand

enough with your pathetic little self indulgent "chats" , not up to you what I or any other member of this site does

I didnt say I was getting benefits for members and if I did it's none of your business, I repeat, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

stop your pathetic little " take over the site" crap, get a life and get on with lifting the forum instead of trying to drag it down to your level!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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It's everyone's business on this site, especially the webmasters, if anyone is using the site's reputation to gain personal benefits.
If it takes someone like me to make these observations, then I'll keep doing it.
Me thinks your protests indicate you have been caught out.
Innocent intentions would not generate such protests, and anyone else would stand corrected and amend their ways.
I feel a sense of loyalty and obligation to this site and the forum. I have gained much in so many ways, especially the support of fellow nomads.
It's too important to allow anyone to abuse it or it's reputation.
I wouldn't want to be connected to it if I thought certain individuals were taking it upon themselves to generate personal gain from the name of The Grey Nomads site.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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i know you will keep doing it, not as if you have anything else to do is it!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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actually started to have doubts about the nomads website, now its been confirmed. good bye!!



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Dave you've just done it again - underestimated another fellow forum contributors.

You know bugger all about me and how I spend my time, the skills I have, nor my lifestyle.
Your loss.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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wasnt me who stuck their nose in once again with ambitions bigger than their abilitys! I defended myself, you caused the strife! as usual,

I could very easily transfer your statement into mine, you made assumptions based on unvalidated inuendo, you accused me of some horrible things, did you think I was going to just leave it at that. my intentions were and still are only to help the members of this forum, I dont know what yours are

your visits to websites are tracked by date and time, I am by nature and by position a desk jockey, I know how to do research, I have stacks of time up here in my glass castle! it is easy to see just how much time you spend at various websites and when!

you wouldnt stop the stupid unvalidated and tottaly unsubstantiated attack so I did, maybe now you will think a bit before getting your frustrations out!

let this be an end to it!

get back to decent posts and a reasonable relationship and forget your ambitions!

-- Edited by dave06 on Monday 9th of November 2009 10:26:29 AM


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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Well I guess that killed this thread :)

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.

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