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In a word cease and desist, 2 words.... Reason is this after my basic chemistry lesson that showed that hydrogen peroxide broke down into water after doing its job I promulgated this around the traps and got an email from Thetford themselves. I've posted the relevant bit of it here as I would not want anyones cassete to crystalise and  break. It reads in part ( edited out the Advertorial);

Thetford toilet cassettes are NOT MANUFACTURED to withstand the oxidation of the plastic components that is caused by use of Oxidising agents such as Nappy treatments, Oxygen rich Laundry detergents and the like. The use of such chemicals causes crystallisation of the plastics which would ultimately result in the failure of the plastic components Use only Thetford Chemicals in your Thetford Portable Toilet

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Is that just protecting their own sales Basil? Just seems strange that oxygen would affect plastic. Maybe they aren't selling too many chemicals?

It would be interesting to try to get some independant data on that. I wouldn't know where to look for something like that.

I'll scout the net??

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

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Disco Duck wrote:

Is that just protecting their own sales Basil? Just seems strange that oxygen would affect plastic. Maybe they aren't selling too many chemicals?

It would be interesting to try to get some independant data on that. I wouldn't know where to look for something like that.

I'll scout the net??

Some plastic especially the hard injection molded ones do decay in sunlight so anything is possible I guess I just did not want to run the risk of one of you buggers picking up a full cassette and having it shatter and then ask me what to use to get the resultant mess out of your clothes and from between your toes....


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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I wasn't arguing with your reason Bas.............hehehehe.......... and I do thank you and appreciate your concern. My clothes thank toes thank nose thanks you. I was merely curious as to wether this was a sales ploy or otherwise.

It's a bit like Epson printers. Epson tell you that generic inks won't work in their printers and if you use them they will block the jets and your warranty is dead!! I have heard some say that they use generic inks all the time with no problems................Me??.......I don't take the chance. Epson inks all the time. I'm probably paying way too much



Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

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What they haven't told you, Basil, is that the mechanical deterioration will take place faster than the crystalline.

You'll be dead and gone long before dilute solutions of the nappy soakers such as are used in laundry and the "off prescription" portable potty method, have taken effect on your personal pooper.

It looks much like another warrantee "out" and an excuse to sell more of their own toxic chemicals.


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Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is a naturally occuring product.

It is formed when water (H2O) passes the ozone layer (O3). The problem in todays society is there is not enough of it, due to the atmosphere around catchments.

Because we store water, we loose it from the water. Why do gardens do better under rain than the tap water. Answer = H2O2

Its a very useful health aid (see oxygen therapy for cancer) AND it can colour your hair (its a bleach). Wipe the serving area and presto, clean.

While I am unsure of the effects on plastics, I have my doubt that it does have any, but obviously there is a strength limit. In fact, I have it at 5% in a plastic bottle for syringing my ears. I originally thought Basil was correct for toilet use, as it introduces much needed O2 for the bugs to break down the material faster, with little smell.

Maybe, as DD says, just trying to sell more of their products.

-- Edited by twobob on Friday 6th of November 2009 08:42:11 PM

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I think Thetford may be having a panic attack as we all find alternative toilet chemicals.
I used Theford chems for a little while, and the plastic outlet began to flake bits of plastic off and was becoming brittle.
I have since used the borax, cloudy ammonia, disenfectant brew with no further plastic flakes. It costs me about $5 to make up 5 litres which last me more than a month, emptying the cassette weekly.
I don't have any solids in my cassette, but all the same I don't want bad smells and other chemical reactions in an enclosed space.
As my bathroom is next to the kitchen at the back of the van I most certainly don't want any spillage, as the dividing wall is not sealed at floor level, so I found out when I hosed the toilet area out once.
Today I found out why Coles no longer stocks Borax. It's considered to be a hardware item and more likely to be found at Bunnings, despite the fact I've been buying it from Coles for months. Go figure.


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twobob wrote:

 In fact, I have it at 5% in a plastic bottle for syringing my ears.

 What did you say?? Hey what speak up man I can't hear you....

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Onya Bas.

Poor bugger is probably out there now mixing up another 10 litre bottle full for you. LOL

Daisy and Disco Duck

Adelaide South Australia

Gotta Think Outside the Square!

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The cassettes of Thetford toilets are injection moulded from Polyethylene or Polypropylene.
These is possibly the most chemical resistant of all common plastics.
Guess what the container that the Sodium Percarbonate is packed in is made from.........
......that's right.....Polyethylene.....see underneath the container in the triangle there is a #2, that is what that means...


EDIT: I added polypropylene to the possible plastics used for the cassette. It is impossible to tell the difference easily, but the conclusion is the same.....

-- Edited by Peter_n_Margaret on Sunday 8th of November 2009 03:23:12 PM


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On another forum someone mentioned that he had shown the e-mail to some plastics engineer mates of his.

The reply came in fits of laughter.


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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so is that a yes to use it or a no to not use it.?????


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dave06 wrote:

so is that a yes to use it or a no to not use it.?????

Still using the Home Brand Nappisan which contains Sodium Perborate.

Sodium Perborate is the main ingredient in Odour Be Gone tablets specifically formulated for Porta Potti's.

I am no engineer but I honestly cannot see the oxygen created by Sodium Perborate causing any problems to the plastic holding tank.


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dave06 wrote:

so is that a yes to use it or a no to not use it.?????

Dave, there's been a lot of discussion on several other forums, with some of the posters claiming to have used it for over 10 years and being most happy with it.

There is no evidence that it hurts septic tanks like the proprietary chemicals sometimes do.

Actually using the stuff to wash nappies every day puts a lot more of it into the septic than emptying a cassette toilet every few days.

Cheap, harmless and very effective, seems to sum up the general opinion.


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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so it's all go for the big drop!!! heres a picture for you

"pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier, let her go Nigel"  "objective in sight hold her steady, steady" "all clear navigator"

oh jeez I hope that fuel hurries up! I'm going nuts (not a big trip though)

-- Edited by dave06 on Sunday 8th of November 2009 04:45:06 PM


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"

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