For some reason when I logged in this morning I was confronted with a very much "in your face" banner ad telling me I was the 1,000,000th visitor to this site and to "click here" and I would win a prize. The next window I went to a similar ad said I was the 10,000,000th visitor to the site.
I most definitely did NOT click on the ad and would STRONGLY suggest that any visitors or members to this site do not either.
There was nothing to indicate who was doing this advertising or what they were promoting so anyone who followed this link would be a brave person.
This has all the hallmarks of s p a m or worse and identity theft could be their motivation. I have no proof of this but it pays to be careful.
unfortunately we use a "third party" web host that allows advertising, cindy will see it in the fullness of time and have it removed but in the meantime just ignore it
It's an ad for a competition site, and I reckon it's not even relevant in Australia. I did click on it to investigate, and it asks for a subscription, it then uses your mobile phone, at your expense, to conduct the competitions. If you receive any of these messages asking you to reply to a 1900 number you must reply with "no" or "stop" to avoid being charged for the message TO you phone. Even if you aren't a subscriber and don't want to participate. If you try to follow through with the process you will find you are not eligible anyway. It's a complete and utter waste of our time on the website, and it can use up internet space as well. It's not really SPAM - just nuisance advertising slipped in, and Cindy is probably not even aware of it - that is she probably hasn't approved for it to be included on their website. These crappy things turn up everywhere, when you least expect it. I have a block on my mobile to avoid receiving them. I had a huge phone bill once with 3 of these calls charged at something like $10 each, and I didn't even respond to the message. So be careful if they do arrive on your mobile. They could cost you money even though you didn't make the call or participate in the competition. Always respond with "stop" or "no" as recommended on the message.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
backs up my suggestion that the site could be a bit "sus". 1900 numbers are a scam in themselves. Even contacting these numbers is costly.
I have no problem with advertising per se, having worked for almost all my working life in an industry totally dependent on advertising for its revenue.
My concern was with ads of this nature that could possibly con one into parting with their "hard earned" and/or other personal info.
Identity theft is big business and they have the resources and cunning to lure us into their scams.
In short.... If you're not sure don't respond
for more information go to Stay Smart Online its an Aust government site
I've been advised numerous time I have insurance payouts waiting form me in the UK, Holland, Nigeria and Spain. BUT first I have to pay the insurance and transfer fees wto Western Union to get MY money. I "authorise" them to take the "fees" out of my cash and send me the change. Like bl--dy hell! They get no cash out of this little white duck. (sorry Ducky) I made some enquires with the Post Office and the bank and there are no fees applicable to these transfers ever. They prey on lonely and vulnerable people and if one out of a thousand hands over $250 they win, and we don't. Damn crooks!
In this advertising instance at the top of this site, you only get ripped off if you subscribe. Like I said before I doubt you'd even be able to access the $49, because it's usually only applicable in USA.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I phoned Telstra on the 13---- number, and arranged it with them. It's not a 1300------ number. It's at the top of the account I think. I reckon it's saved me enough money to afford those bloody calls. But that's another story.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
My office still gets complaints from people who have replied to and subsequently invested in scams originating on the internet or their phone systems. Regardless of the extensive media coverage of things like the Nigerian Scam , Australians still give them a go. The golden rule is 'If it looks too good to be true then it most likely is.' We have two close friends who have lost everything in the Storm Financial matter and I could think of few things worst than being sixty something and having to start all over again with work and savings.
I can only suggest that if it looks too good to be true it invariably is.... However a while back now I got an email telling me I had won a prize in the NSW lottery which as had no ticket I ignored.... then I got a phone call and I had won a prize....
I'd suggest that you all have a look at this site, it's for people with too much time on their hands who enjoy the thrust and parry of scamming the scammers, all the proceeds go to charity. Its very well done and it shows you just how good some of the scams are and how to defeat them. I'll let you guess my log in there........
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
Basil, those lottery "wins" are dependent upon the scammee paying for entry. That's the scam. You pay - no play - they win. I must have millions on hold at Readers Digest, those lotteries, insurance compensation payout from countries I've never been. What a lucky girl am I?
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I hadnt noticed this banner on this site before. Today when I logged in it said I had message waiting for me. I foolishly thought it was part of this site and clicked it. Now I've got the same "competition" banner flashing at me on all pages.
oh go on with you , there's nothing wrong with the odd flasher!! remember the streakers at the cricket, one of the chapple brothers or was it Dennis Lillie whacked one across the posterior!
those were the days, nothing like the sound of a good thwack of old english willow against the flesh of a backside, give him what for!! the bounder!
made him whoop and holler for a while! also made him walk funny too!
-- Edited by dave06 on Sunday 8th of November 2009 04:55:38 PM
oh go on with you , there's nothing wrong with the odd flasher!! remember the streakers at the cricket, one of the chapple brothers or was it Dennis Lillie whacked one across the posterior!
those were the days
'Twas Greg Chapple, whacked him across the bum with a cricket bat
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
I got one from a fella that offered me half of the 32 million that he had, as defence minister, managed to squirrel away. So I played along with him and we were emailing back and forth. Then I got another email from another so-called minister and he offered me 20 million (can't quite remember how he had come by that lot). Anyhow I sent the emails from the first to the second and vice versa and as much abuse as my limited Australian vocabulary would allow and never heard another thing from Nigeria. Fun for awhile but I can't understand how people get sucked in. It is our own greed. No such thing as a free lunch.
Mind you I could have done with the money!! :)
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
At the top of my page I have that banner saying I have one message. If I just ignore it , will it go away? Remember , I don't know much about this computer stuff. Dont know how to block it or anything, so do you think it will just go away after awhile
No it won't go away. Try to ignore it. It's just nuisance value.
Ducky, for a while I was "entertaining" these scammers so I could get to the bite for bucks. Once I had all the info and the bite I sent them off to the Scam Watch which is part of Consumer Affairs. They're working very hard at stopping that nonsense, so if you feel like helping I'm sure they'd be eternally grateful for your assistance. I don't get any now since I changed my email address. They can't get to you unless you give them the information.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
DellieMay it doesn't look like going away anytime soon. I have down loaded adblock as recommended by several others but it is still there. Perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge can enlighten me on how to get rid of the ads with Adblock plus.If the ads are quiet you can ignore them but they have started talking or I'm hearing voices.
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!