Back from Tassie . ten days nowhere near enough time to see it and do it justice. Only managed the NW and down the center, need another trip to do the south and east coast. Those who try to do it all in ten days have seen nothing or are just a road accident waiting to happen.
Loved it, great place , can't agree with saving all the wilderness,maybe Tassie should consider all out hydro electric development and sell it to the mainland to make the island state self funding .
I can hear the shock horror in the groans from the light and dark green people but be realistic just what can you do with all that wilderness, the accessible areas are only there because of the man made tracks with the real wilderness near enough to bullet proof just rotting away producing green house gas . By flooding some of the valleys only about 30 mts of near vertical bank would need to be lost due to inundation but the returns would be well worth it.
Food for thought Big Kev instead of an ETS and big price hikes in electricity costs let Tassie turn what they have heaps of into a real income
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times
Hydro is the greenest cleanest way there is to generate useful quantities of electricity. There is however one major flaw in your's called Common Sense.
When Common Sense is up against Ideology and Political Correctness it doesn't stand much of a chance.
Glad you ejoyed Tassie.We lived at Luina near Savage River.Beautiful rainforests all around,peace and quiet,wild life a plenty and trout fishing galore.A beautiful State and well worth the visit.That was 40 years ago.We visited two years ago and it was even better than when we lived there.Queenstown Moonscape even had trees growing again.Luina township was no longer there as the Cleavland Tin and Copper had closed down.Cheers.Ibbo.
Hi glad to here that you enjoyed Tassie, It is so beautiful and we do miss it as we are on our adventure around the big Island. As you said ten days is not long enough and hope you get the pleasure to go back again one day,We lived there for 50 years plus and will always be home.The hydro debate will always be big there but roads are built(by the hydro) so we can be accessible to many beautiful places for us to visit,Hydro power is the cleanest power source available and doesn't pollute the air we breath.Common sense the pollies dont know about that!!!! Happy safe travels to all Chris and Robbie
I have to agree Wombat ...........about the power. Fill the lakes with fish..............hire out boats and there you have more income. Hell we haven't even scratched the surface here.
I'm glad you enjoyed the trip. A beautiful island!!
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!