1. Go to a secondhand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.
2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine
3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads:
Bertha, Duke, Slim, & I went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour.
Don't mess with the pit bulls; they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house.
Better wait outside. Be right back.
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
Yeah trouble is Ridgebacks are as docile as Gracie, or should I say any dog can be as aggressive as it's owner wants it to be. I'd prefer to take on one Doberman in prefference to 2 irate terriers any day.... But you're right a dogs size does deter those who would do you harm....
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
Magnificent hound Bushman, have you trianed it to rout ********** agents provocateur?
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
A lot of the old distilleries in Scotland use Geese as their front line security guards.Dangerous things when aroused................Oh no,just put my foot in it again.Don't say it Ducky.Remember being chased by one when I was a kid, looked as big as a Dakota flapping and hissing as it tried to impale me on it's beak.Cheers.Ibbo.
Swans rampant are not to be taken lightly either, they pack a real whallop and if you grab them by the neck in self defence they have nasty spurs on their feet...
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
This is my boy "Ben" the border collie dog (12 year old) most the time he looks like he could lick you to death, but he has the bark for it if needed , and if he dont like any one he'll let me know.. just dont like thunderstorms..
yeah! mick we got two of them, they imediately tell us when the bad guys are around, they scratch and yelp and whine at the door until we let them in away from the danger
You can also get one of those Fake Gaurd Dogs that DSE sell activated by noise at the door...
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
How long Ibbo??..........how lucky these people are that I am a DUCK with infinite patience and as I know that they understand nothing.........I let it flow over Ibbo.
BUT.......I am making notes and come the revolution................their reckoning will come!!
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
yeah! mick we got two of them, they imediately tell us when the bad guys are around, they scratch and yelp and whine at the door until we let them in away from the danger
Not this little bugger she goes off if there is somthing about she doesnt like , half the time I cant see what stirred her up . Did in Moree 1 night . Had a wheel bearing let go on the dollie which stuffed the hub none in stock so camped behind the yard under flood lights . About 2 am she went berserk (3months old at the time) and heard from outside "**** theres a f####ng big dog in there get going " Looked out the window to see 2 kids running like hell down the street . mentioned it in the workshop next morning and comment from the boss was "bloody ------ coc kroaches at it again"
-- Edited by Mick themungrel on Monday 4th of January 2010 06:15:24 AM