Well G,day Help needed, like a dill have left accom, to late over easter, do any know of roadsides between Renmark and Port Pirie via Burra. Davo,s town was good to us , got a night at Port Pirie, and Whyalla so all good that end,just that bit from Renmark, ummm make that Robinvale. The misses thinks her luck might change in an overnighter, she should be so lucky, she will have me as her protector, gawd what more could a women want.
Thank u for your replies, misses happy now. reason i had to ask was i lent my Camps4 and guess what aint seen it since lol Burra show grounds look the goods.
actually there is a better one just south of spalding, turn over the old steel bridge there is a big camp there off the road and shady! drive through as well, not a bad spot
white cliffs at koolunga is a good one with yabbies galore and good swimming holes, Burra creek gorge is always a good standby
just about anywhere there is a clearing is fine, pick a spot with shade and you wont be bothered, take a look at the camps I sent you and decide from there! it's all good!