We are about to retire and intend travelling for a couple of years. We are looking at the possibillity of selling our home and investing the funds to allow us to increase our travelling funds and have the capital aside so we can enter a lifestyle village at a later date. Any advise or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just do your homework and find the plan which best suits you and DO IT! If you have your cash invested where you're comfortable, that's the biggest hurdle to your plan. Work out how much you want to spend on rig eg van and tug, and invest the rest to you have a regular income to support your travel. Then JUST DO IT! Good luck and safe and happy travel.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
A lot of the answers to your question will depend on your circumstances. If you are too financial that you cannot get any centrelink benefits, then what you suggest is one good way.
If you intend on using centrelink or feel you can, then thats another ball game.
check the topic 'Centre link' some 7 or so pages back ( I do not know how to put a pointer to the page) - basically the issue is your home is exempt when calculating centrelink. If you sell it, then another set of rules come into play.
For some, having a home base is important when travelling - horses for courses
Thanks for the advice we are looking very carefully at all the options but other opinions from people who are doing it are very welcome. We just want to do it while our health is in fairly good condition. After travelling from Perth up the west coast to Darwin and down the centre to the York Peninsula in 1989 we were hooked!!!! So now comes some serious travel without the need to rush home. Retire in a couple of months and can't wait!!!
Selling the family home is a big decision and we agonised over it for months. This is some info that I have received from C/Link. If you decide to sell the house and live in a Van then the van is considered your principal residence and therefore is exemp from any assett test. Any balance of payment that you may have is however taken into account and is "Deemed" by C/Link as an income and would be deemed as earning 3%. This amount will be assessed as "income" and this may affect your pension (if you are on a C/Link benefit). If you are on a C/Link benefit you will qualify for "Rent assistance" - maximum payment of $105.40 / fortnight - qualifying criteria will apply. To apply for rent assistance you will need to lodge a form (fortnightly) with froof of you payment of rent - Caravan park fees qualify as legitimate rent payment. Each time you change parks ask the office to complete the form - then lodge the form on a fortnightly basis with C/link or an agency where you are at the time. C/link will forward you a form and it's a good idea to copy this form and have several copies on hand. If you decide to sell the family home and are on a C/link benefit - you will have to notify C/Link of you change of circumstances and provide them with (home sale) settlement details and bank statements and evidence of other incomes if applicable (e.g. Superannuation payments )etc. Go and see someone from C/Link as I found them to be extremely helpful and only too willing to offer advice. Follow this link for info on Rent assistance. http://agencysearch.australia.gov.au/search/search.cgi?query=rent+assistance&collection=agencies&form=simple&profile=centrelink
A sincere thankyou to all those who responded to my initial queries. Hope this helps Cheers Doug