This is NOT a post about whether we should have a new flag, but about our Flag History and those Australians fought under.
First Australians fought under the British Union Jack, in Sudan, the Boer War and Boxer Rebellion in China. Then in the Korean War they fought under the United Nations Flag. In World War 1 and 2, they fought under the Australian Red Ensign. Although designed in 1901, the Blue Ensign of the current flag was not approved by Royal Assent until the mid 1950's. See the link below for some Flag History, their is a sub link for the British Union Jack which is interesting on how the colours came to be put upon the flag, particularly the red cross of Ireland. See;
I recall as a child on Empire Day (24th May) we waved Union Jacks and Red Ensigns, also when the Queen visited in 1954. The British Empire had ceased to exist several years earlier but they didn't tell us that. I seem to recall that the Blue Ensign (current flag) was flown on government buildings, but I could stand to be corrected on that.
Also recall in Scouts we learnt the make up of the Union Jack and how to tell if it was upside-down.
Australia Day (Monday nearest to 26th Jan) was just another long weekend, nothing more. Empire Day (and "cracker night") was our patriotic day......some changes are for the better.
Flag protocol has gone out the door once there were stick rules on the handling of our flag , now it is used has a toy and a way of big business making money off the back of it
No worries John, it is an interesting subject with many misconceptions. There are a number of other links that are interesting if anyone wishes to google Australian Flag. I notice on the link I provided that the Torres Straight Island Flag in not shown as well as the Aboriginal Flag, but it is on others.
Like Jim said, there was a lot of confusion on the Blue Ensign as to when it should be flown and by whom and it took ages for it to be given Royal Assent to make it official.
The current flag cannot be changed without the approval of a referendum which gives it some protection against politicians tampering with it if they ever do.