Do you need to notify your car insurance company of the stuff being carried in the car? eg, I will have a waeco fridge, an outboard motor and various other stuff. i'm guessing it would be treated like any other accessory put on your car.
You can for your own peace of mind, to make sure, but you don't have to. If, and let's make that a VERY BIG IF, you have to claim on that insurance, whatever is in the vehicle at the time, should be covered. I made a similar query to my van insurer about the annexe. The roller/awning is a fixture on the van and is therefore included in the van policy. The awning is insured with the same insurer, but in addition to the van and fixtures. In these things it's much better to ask the questions and get the advice from the insurer's mouth. These things seem to vary from insurer to insurer. Peace of mind is a great thing when you're on the road. Safe travels.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Hi Gary, while cover may vary from company to compay, the 'standard' motor vehicle policy would only cover the car tools and "personal effects" with some sort of sub limit. Usually a couple of hundred dollars. It is unlikely that your motor vehicle insurer would extend their policy to cover the items you have mentioned. Your home contents insurer may cover you for some items while away from the house, depending on the level of cover you have taken. I suggest you speak to your motor vehicle,home and caravan insurers to find out what limitations they have.
-- Edited by jandas fun on Tuesday 23rd of February 2010 09:05:23 PM
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
Had a disasterous night at 'The Entrance' with an electrical storm that blew my Engel. Next morning while on the phone at a nearby public phone box to the insurance company they asked for a mobile contact number. That's when I remembered that it was in my shorts pocket! Buggar!! Ran back to the CP to find it in the washing machine ... very hot & buzzing in protest.
Both were covered .. the Engel by the Van insurance & the mobile by the house contents!!! Only used the house policy (at the suggestion of the insurance people) for the mobile, because the excess was $50 & the C'van $100.
I phoned my insurance company up to ask the questions and was told that they could not cover me whilst tarvelling. There is nothing in their PDS to reflect that. Company is Allianz so it might be prudent to check your own policy. Not happy Jan.
we didn't notify the company of the gear inside but when we had our accident with our laptop on board it was covered, the camera in Alice springs when flogged was covered
I think it depends on your company, sometimes the contents are covered under your household insurance, generally the ins comps dont want you lugging the gear around too much
Alliannnz will not cover your vechile if you are travelling. Even though policy states Australia wide coverage and nothing in their PDS to indicate otherwise they advised it it would be within their rights to refuse any claim whilst travelling. It is within their underwriting agreement which they don't have to disclose, what a load of crock.
I contacted the Insurance obdusman who stated "they can't do that ,policy says australia wide and as long as you have a permanent residental address, travelling or not unless actually stated in the PDS"
it would be my understanding that given the insurance quotes "Australia wide" then that surely would be what it means, I await your answer with interest
I am with CUMIS and have had 3 claims in the last 2 years, one of theft and two of collision all cleared up within a week and not a moments grief, i would have hoped all insurance company's would strive for this
Basically if you are away from the documented garaging address for more than 60 days you have to notify them and give a new addresss. if you are camped on the side of the road or by a river for a few days its ok, but more than a week you have to notify them.
I asked for a written general guidline with reference to this and i have to write to the compliance officer who will pass it onto their legal department who will then consider giving you something in writing. I cancelled my policy and received a refund from last renewal (May09). Took out a policy with AAMI and had noted on the policy that at the time of taking out the policy I would be fulltime on the road.If I sell up in the future I have to contact them for reassessment.
My van is insured with CIL and I just keep them informed of my current travel status. My car is insured with Allianz and I've had a claim for a rear end which damaged my front end, and they even replaced my rose stickers on the front fenders because they were part of the car at the time of the prang. I'll be looking for that response as well. It's been my experience insurers will do what they can to get away with what they can, but you have to be very aware of your policy and your rights, which should rein them in and back on the real track.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Can anyone tell me what the over 50's insurance is like...I rang AMMI today and they do it all over the phone ..whats your thoughts on doing it this way ...As for CIL they just keep putting the value of the caravan down each year...bought van about 3 or 4 years ago for $14,500 now they say its worth $8,000 agreed value...if I want it more I have to hav it valued and send photos also I being sucked in or what...all I know is I am in the wrong business.Thanks for your replies.
Hi Granny...I have the same insurance as you ...CIL for caravan and Allianz for car...but not happy the way CIL devalue the van over a few years. 14,000 down to 8,000 over 3 or 4 years...and I have never had a claim.
we tried a few including Apia and CIL and found that all was not as it seemed when monetary claims were pressed
Apia were far dearer than any other and "other" insurance companies didn't stack up alongside CUMIS, however I wouldn't discredit any or all insurance companies they are ALL there to make a quid, just make sure you read ALL the fine print
there is nothing wrong with doing it over the phone, nowadays its all electronic anyway, as I said we made 3 claims and all was done over the phone by a lovely lady by the name of amphone summantry, all too easy
I will stick with CUMIS but you may have a totally different experience than us
Be very very very carefull guys n gals, I have just spent a week ringing around all the comopanies, I intend to hit the road in the near future and all the insurance companies have told me exactly the same thing...
They reckon they can't quantify the risk each state offers, that is the wording I got from AAMI and YOUI as well as Allianz who are an absolute bunch or arogant Ar$hole$, they practically told me that I was a 2nd class citizen if I couldnt afford to live in one place.
I have NRMA at the moment and am very thankfull for that as I changed from YOUI on Friday and had a prang on saturday, NRMA has been fantastic.
So if anyone gets an insurer that is willing to cover you while on the roadlong term and they don't want part of your anatomy in exchange please let us all know, as currently I am willing to take the risk, but realy not happy with the current situation.
In addition, what about licensing and regestration, how do you all get on with this as under the law in this beautiful country you have to have a Fixed Place of Abode to be eligeble to hold vehicle registration and a drivers license.
I do hope someone can come up with a vallid solution to this dilema, so many of us are being disadvantaged by the few who make the rules.
Cheers Grumpy
Leave only footprints - Take only photographs
We are going to check out CIL for our van and contents insurance.We used them for our camper but there is going to be a lot more "stuff" in the van.Well,we can only try!
I'm with APIA and any time I have amended an insurance policy they have followed up with written advice detailing the amendments. It's my impression that this is a legal requirement for all insurance companies.
If you check your insurance policy's "Product Disclosure Statement" it may give you some guidance here. It is a legal requirement that this document sets out in Plain English what is and isn't covered.
If any insurance company treated me in the manner that GrumpyOne alleges I'd take all my insurance business elsewhere.