Yeah, I know where your at and I don't think it's entirely fair, me at work and you up there.My feet are itchy and it's not tinea, just a desire to be there. Hands are itchy 'cos I haven't been on the water for weeks, damn the weather!
nice spot last time i was there they had the army training in the roper river, roper bar shop was amazing is it not?? tiny shop with stuff jammed in there ,funniest part was across the river was a large slab of cement nearest town was mataranka and here pulled up a taxi crammed with as many indigenous peoples as it could get in and all having cartons of beer on there laps and in boot.
the cab did not cross the slab to other side ,but they all piled out and there were others on the other side waiting for them ,what a laugh, i was like a cab out here ?????
then headed into katherine well have to say that place totaly opened up our eyes i was stunned need i say more lol