Hi fellow travellers I am newish to this game and as excited as a fox in a chook house, I am planing our big adventure to travel from the white bear country Bundaberg to where white bears could live Tasmania. so need some advice on any tried and proven budget (nicks) camping spots and things worth seeing plan to hug east coast all the way to Melbourne have 8 weeks for this trip. Got Hema maps and camps but nothing like from the horses mouth.
Hi just gorn. We seem to be doing the same thing at the same time. Im new and excited but also nervous. I hope all works out for you. Im yet to buy by abode on wheels, maybe you're a bit more advanced. Im in Perth and planning where i'll be going first. Goodluck.
Thanks for the reply, I will splash out and get the new ver Camps 5, since posting i have read a bit on this site and it seems the camp 5 has improved a fair bit. Colls i can understand your nervs/excitement we have a camper trailer not the tarsh but it is light off rd and quick to set up with a few creature comforts ( inner spring matt, decent kitch) we are happy with it thus far. Been on 1 big adventure from Bundy through centre NSW to Melb, Grt Ocen Rd Adelade to Flinders R then west NSW to Home 7700k's, but still green at this game. Colls we were considering WA to vusut sis but recken Tasie would be a bit cooler in December
Huging the coast taking advantage of free family stops Nambucca, Sydney, Canberra but $$ from there.
Hi to you all. We are in the process of looking for our van, hoping to head off August. We plan to come up to Bear country first, then back south as the weather warms up. I do have a question for you though 'Just gorn' what is it with this bear. Doesn't seem to be an Aussie thing (although I am Kiwi, so may not understand all things Aussie). But a polar bear. Don't quite get it!!!
there are lots of good walks if you like walking in tassie. You can purchase your national park pass on the boat so you don't have to worry when at the parks. We spent 3 weeks in tassie, pre camper trailer days and is was not long enough. want to take our camper some time and see some more
1961 - Square bottle and Buddy R. Bear are born. Sam McMahon (Bill McMahon's brother) invented the square bottle, the three piece yellow label and the polar bear. McMahon believed the Polar Bear would imply this drink would ward of the coldest chill of winter, and thus help the marketing of the product in the southern states of Australia another theory is that McMahon's means son of bare.
Pam Riverina my old sromping ground, and yes we intend to spend at least 3 weeks there, if the old hilux handels the hills and windy roads.
The Bundy rum can also take away the origen blues tough being a NSW supporter here!
Bundy is also very effective elephant repellent.... If you take a bottle of Bundy with you when you go out fishing in the boat I can guarantee you won't be attacked by a herd of elephants .... conclusive proof of its effectiveness!
For a starter, make sure you buy (if you have not bought already) Camps 5 - will give you lots of free and cheap places to camp over on your way.
Good advice. Just updated from Camps three to Camps five and splashed out on the Camps snaps. ($79.95 from Dymocks) The pictures are pretty good and give you a good idea of what the site is like. Good luck to you all in your new adventures.
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!
Bundy is also very effective elephant repellent.... If you take a bottle of Bundy with you when you go out fishing in the boat I can guarantee you won't be attacked by a herd of elephants .... conclusive proof of its effectiveness!
Jimricho you could be onto something and possibly a new thread 101 useful uses for Bundy Rum sounds like a book i would read and compare experiences with!
Terro wasn't aware of camps snaps, will have a look just spent $3500 on the hilux getting her ready so $79 for a book is money well spent.
Just a forum question how do you attach a pic to your profile?