we are as many of you are out there traveling around ( done the big sell up) left S.A on the road till christmas for a few weeks then back out we go, we proudly have our nomad's sicker on the back of the van, but i can not beleve the amount of people out there that do not know about your web site, we are in Tamworth at the moment going north, even here there are caravaners that don't know your web site, we have a traveller bel-air & toyota prado, on the back of the van we have the sicker right across the back ( living the dream) would you guys mind if put one under it www.thegreynomads.com.au to show some people out there which site to go too i don't want to upset any copy write or anything like that just thought i would ask before geting it done. what is your thought boss
Chris & Joan toyta prado & traveller Belair home town Gawler s.a "Living the Dream"
Yes mate I also have had that experience which makes me realize our forum is a very small group . There are lot of grey nomads who don't have computers and would not know how to use them, but they are still having a great time on a shoe string and have gathered a great deal of wisdom on how to survive on the road they are great to talk to . when ever I am talking to people on the road I let them know about this site
We would be only too happy for you to put our website address under your 'living the dream' banner. I would also be happy to send you more free bumper stickers, too. Keep spreading the word! Thanks for your support. If anyone else would like a couple more bumper stickers, please send us a PM with your address and we'll get those out to you.