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Post Info TOPIC: Caravan Park Owners


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Posts: 1970
Caravan Park Owners

I would like to see some posts from Caravan Park owners...Who canvas local councils about Travellers, who occasionally like to free camp.....Don't  they realize that it's not a matter of saving money...It's just another part of the freedom bit......We have paid our taxes all our lives..Now want to enjoy the rest of our short lives.....Living....

Memo to councils   !Try and understand and remember...One day you may want  to feel the freedom....


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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why would they want to do that ?



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Posts: 1970

Do What Brickies?   Live or relax strong arm tactics...Ther is a reason why I bought this  subject up.......A friend of mine has had a nasty experience with an incident . at Carmilla in QLD....Re councils members having shares in caravan parks.....


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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If thats the case they can be reported to Queensland CJC



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Posts: 1970

Thank you!  Did'nt know  that.....Though can't believe any Government Dept would be interested in,'What they'd consider  Minor...Problem......Remember's called GST    Governments love it......."Get my drift?


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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We free camped with a carvan park owner for about a fortnight, about 10 years ago, he and I fished and crabbbed most days. He didnt let on to anyone else that he owned a caravan park though. He told me and asked me not to tell anyone.

If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?


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Let's not have WWIII with the Caravan Park owners. I regularly use caravan parks and while some owners are mean whingers and want nanny government (including local government) to protect their business for them, many others are good business people and good to do business with.

As with any business a good operator will respond positively to customer feedback.  Tarring all park owners with the one brush is no different to those people who blame all grey nomads for the actions of a few.

I'm not a legal type person but my understanding is that councillors who have a vested interest in any matter that's before the council have a legal requirement to declare that interest and refrain from voting.  Sure there's sometimes a "look after your mates" culture but there's little one can do about it unless one can establish a case.

Many councils around my area have an over-representation of property developers and union hacks as well as loony lefties who just oppose everything.  Not much room left for park owners.


Merda tauris scientia vincit


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Jimricho you are spot on the mark and sum up the subject well



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In my experience, we like the tranquility of caravaning alone every couple of nights. We are social, but having been with people for years in hospitality, sometimes being by ourselves is welcome. I am over caravan park owners thinking we are "tight" for not wanting to stay in their park.furious I am also appalled at the way the park operators greet a potential guest, some think they are doing you a favour by letting you stay!

Our experience over the past 4 months has us seriously considering buying a park, caravaners/campers just want friendly service and clean facilities - if your "over it" owners/managers - get out. 

Of course I don't think that all owners/managers are as described as above, by gee, I'd say 75% are.

As for camping elsewhere but in the park in some towns - have a look at the park and facilities, ask which sites are available and tell them you would like to go have a look first.  If they get snooty, you can bet they are not proud of their park/facilities.

Now I have that off my chest, I can move on......

That ain't livin Barry.....this is living!

Current location - Woomelang, VIC and heading to Horsham then Halls Gap for family Easter
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