Posted a long topic yesterday, forgot to tell you my tug is a Commodore.
Yes, a Commodore, a 2001 model VX Series 2, 3.8 litre V6 Commodore. Had it fitted with auto transmission cooler, and hot wire for the van fridge. Later when Mr Rudd (remember him?) was throwing dollars our way to convert cars to gas, I took advantage and had gas installed. The rear end then started to sag so got heavy duty springs put on. I think thats all.
A year or two back I thought I'd change over to a 4X. Had a look at a couple of second hand ones, a Prado and a Pajero, both similar age to the Commodore, with a lot more clicks on the clock, and asking $30K for the Prado and a bit over $20K for the Paj. Both offered $2K for the Commodore, one made a big song and dance about it then told me he'd up it to $3K. Told him to forget it.
So I still have the Commodore, and until I get to retirement I think thats what I'll be dragging the van around with.
My vans an Imperial pop top with a tare of 1380 kilos. No problems at all towing this around.
There does seem to be a little less power on gas, so if I see a big hill coming up, I flick the switch and get the petrol happening. Dont know whether it makes that much difference or not.
Actually my main reason for getting gas on was to give me more travelling distance between fills. Used to bug me that some servos didnt have enough swing room to get the car and van in comfortably. With the fuel filler on the drivers side, and having the need to fill up every 350 or so K's I used to look around for a servo with plenty of room. If there was none I used to stress myself out trying to get in the narrow drives. Reckoned by putting gas on, it gave me about 650/700k's before needing to fill up, and by then I was where I wanted to be anyway.
Yes Ross I can relate to all that thats why I think people like the Prado with the 180 lts fuel tanks give you a greater klm range , but I can see that gas also does that for you . there are a lot of Servos out there that are not caravan friendly
I've got no problems with towing with the the Commodore. Its got the heavy duty tow pack which is rated to 2100kilos.
The tare weight of the van is 1380. I've got no idea what it weighs with our gear in it, and quite frankly I dont really care, because I know unless I fill the water tank up, that I'd have nowhere near 300 kilos of stuff in the van. The ATM is (from memory) 1750. Am writing this from the office and the vanis in the driveway at home.
The Commodore in 2001 and starting to get a bit long in the tooth. Thought I'd have a look around for another tug so that when I retire I'd have a decent rig to do some fair dinkum serious caravanning.
When I realised the Commodore was worth bugger all, I decided to keep it as long as possible.
It does the job.
Thanks for everybody's input.
And Kerri and Paul, my former boss had horses and used to regularly cart two horses around in his float. He had a Commodore also. And by the way, I do realise how much a horse weighs.
yes you'll find the commodre will do the job. we pull a 505 coromal behind a bf falcon. which runs on gas andd towing @ between 1800 to 200 reve (85 to 100 k depending on hills and wind) we get 100 on 17 ltrs of gas and at an average price of 79c a litre 17litres thats $13.43 per 100 ks. so on a big day of 33o km we spend $40 on fuel.
brian and kerry 505 coromal & 2007 bf dual fuel falcon