Hi, have just joined Forum and cannt wait to get on the road.
Ive spoken to Centrelink and am now in a state of confusion. I believed that hubby and I could sell our house, buy a Motorhome and travel, but now it appears the motorhome can only be our principal home for 12 months, after that it becomes an Asset and goodbye pension. I asked the chappie at Centrelink if this info was correct and he said he hadnt heard of it, but another Seniors site I checked said yes my info was correct.
If this is so, how do other members manage to see Australia. We really dont want to buy somewhere else until we are sure its where we want to spend the rest of our life. Trish
Gee when this department gets it wrong it only serves to confuse and stress their victims. What happens with your house and how does it affect your pension? I'm on disability living full time in my van. I don't have any real estate or furniture in storage. It's my home. Do you now get penalised for the value of your house you live in? Check out all you can on the website. Check the actual policy. Never, Never, Never take the word of anyone on a Centrelink counter. They are just not reliable. If you rent you main home out while you travel with your motorhome you would not be eligible for rent assistance. If your travel full time in your motorhome, you are entitled to rent assistance. Check and check again, and if possible, get it in writing. Centrelink is the most unreliable department for any information relating to pensioners on this lifestyle. They don't have a bloody clue, and some of the staff make it up as they go, and then you get penalised for incorrect information. Some offices don't even know which is the current rent assistance claim form. God knows who updates their stationery in the office. Even if you motorhome was an asset it wouldn't be worth enough for you to lose all your pension. You'd still be entitled to some, plus the benefits, and that makes you eligible for rent assistance. Don't take my word for all of this. I'm only commenting based on my own experience. Check, Check, and Check again to make sure you will not be penalised some time down the track. The policy should be on the internet, but even that could be out of date. Keep checking.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Pension eligibility is complicated. It is assessed with a mixture of assets and income. If you have a lot of either, it will affect your pension. The house you live in is not considered an asset, but if you sell it it then becomes one, BUT if you don't own a house, you are allowed higher assets than if you do own a house.
Make an appointment to see a Centrelink financial advisor. They are trained to know the correct answers (not like many of the counter people) and their job is to help you get the maxumum that you can. Do it ASAP. They don't bite unless you try to cheat the system.
For starters, I would not consider things you see in forums to be !00% accurate. You can often get good advice but if it is of a legal like vehicle registrations or Centrelink stuff the only way you can get reliable info is to go directly to them.
As I understand it you can only have one principal residence. If you choose to consider your van/motorhome as the principal residence you can claim rent assistance for your site fees (providing you fall within certain guidelines regarding assets/income and the amount of rent you are paying.) Where the 12 months comes in is if you change residences, you have 12 months to deal with the status of your residence (sell it or consider it an asset and lease it.)
Make an appointment with Centrelink to confirm which bit of advice you have received is OK.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Make the appointment to see an advisor with Centrelink. Best advice I heard from someone from Centrelink is to get it straight from them, not by comparing your situation to someone elses.
Even when you get it straight from Centrlink don't go away confident that it is all sorted. Give it a couple of weeks and they will find another form, interpret the situation differently or change the rules. They are just like Insurance companies. If we put up enough hurdles for you to jump, maybe you'll give up and go away.
Agree with make an appointment with Centrelink Financial Services Officer (FSO) with all avaiable info/records etc to see where you stand in your particular situation.
Just as a matter of interest only, my BIL & Sister sold their house about 12 months back and were looking for something else, they were told the money from the sale would not be counted as an asset/income? as long as they bought another house within 12 months, after that it would be.
Mind you, Centrelink rules change fairly frequently so you need to get the latest info direct from Centrelink for your situation as mentioned by others here.
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-- Edited by crist on Monday 27th of December 2010 01:16:36 AM
Crist, you are wasting your time and effort spamming this forum. Go away and don't come back. Members of this forum are smart enough to know not to deal with low-lifes such as yourself.
The best advice in this thread is the one to get further professional and reliable advice from Centrelink or wherever, as mentioned in several posts above.
No one on this forum can be fully aware of all your circumstances and anyway, it is probably illegal to give any advice other than that of a very general nature.
And keep your own record of conversations...the date, & time of discussions, the person's name, and if they put something on the computer, get a receipt number.
And Pete & Margaret, they do 'bite' sometimes, even when you're honest. My daughter got 'bitten' several years ago, through no fault of her own.