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Post Info TOPIC: Survey - What State is your vehicle registered?
In what state is your vehicle registered? [78 vote(s)]



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Survey - What State is your vehicle registered?


I liked this idea when I read it but none has appeared yet ... so I thought I would put this up for interest.

Not created a poll before ... hope it works.

Julie & John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Good one, I like these.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.




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I like polls too.


From  NSW


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Still remember this is our forum poll and cannot be used for any other groups and may not reflex the grey nomads of the whole of australia , but still will be useful to know were our member hail from



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I quite like polls... I read the papers on line every morning and there is usually a poll (who would you vote for if an election was called today blah blah) - just to keep them on their toes I always vote in polls the very opposite of what I really think.   (except in this one where I told the truth for once ) lol

If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?


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petengail wrote:

just to keep them on their toes I always vote in polls the very opposite of what I really think.

So you're not really a tree-hugging greenie after all! biggrinwink



Merda tauris scientia vincit


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Interesting question -if you meant tow vehicle i voted nsw - if you meant van i would vote vic - both legal (i think) as I live in nsw but have a registered business in vic and am a  landowner and ratepayer in both states would think there are quite a few with tug an van registered in different states given the ridiculous nsw van rego

-- Edited by territory on Sunday 24th of October 2010 07:55:44 PM



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Both my vehicles, tug and van are registered in WA, but I left there in 07.
My postal address is SA, my residential address has been Cairns for more than 2 years, but I still consider myself to be a GN.
It was very confusing at election time.
I have an SA licence, and I'm heading back there for a while.
Who knows, I may change the rego's over to SA, depending on the cost.
This reinforces the case for national registration and licensing, but I don't think the states would want to relinquish the revenue.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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territory wrote:

Interesting question -if you meant tow vehicle i voted nsw - if you meant van i would vote vic - both legal

-- Edited by territory on Sunday 24th of October 2010 07:55:44 PM


Call me dopey  smile (many do) ... but I thought the question was fairly clear ... "What State is your VEHICLE registered."
A caravan is not a vehicle I would have thought ... it is a trailer.
It's a simple poll on a friendly forum ... lean back and relax.

Cheers and happy travelling
Julie & John



2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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rockylizard wrote:
A caravan is not a vehicle I would have thought ... it is a trailer.

Try convincing your ocal motor registry that. If your van is not a motor vehicle the authorities could not insist that you register it a s such.



Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.



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One thing is for sure. If I want to air an ideas for feedback I won't share them on the GN forum.
Someone seems intent on pouring water on enthusiasm.
I prefer to see the upside of everything, even simple surveys.
I for one encourage your initiative in gathering this sort of data relevant to this forum. It's interesting.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

The Master

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Simple for goodness sake. If you have vehicle registered in a certain state you vote for that state.
THEN if you have caravan registered in another state and you want to vote, then vote for that state AS WELL.
Or if the whole thing offends you don't come into the post. OK.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open






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Some are GLASS HALF FULL like us whilst there are always others who are and will remain GLASS HALF EMPTY. I feel sorry for them.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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Hi guys,
Yes, I think it's about time we had a National licencing and registration.
I believe this government could come up with this idea (just out of the blue) and stick it to all states as this should of happen years ago.
How easy would it be for us travelers then.?????
"That's my thoughts



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thanks rocky lizard
It was clear and I voted as per the intent of the poll. My post was a meant to be a roundabout comment on the ridiculus  situation in this country of state borders and registration etc and the fact that many people do in fact have rego of tug and van in different states to get around the lack of a national rego scheme, which I'm sure would help many a grey nomad.

JHR, I am a glass half full person- in fact I think the glass is pretty much heading towards the full side most of the time

 Happy wanderer It was simple and the question didn't offend me -I thought it was a good post and what i said was what I meant- it is an interesting question. Even more interesting is the unasked question I alluded to i.e. where is your van registered.
 What did offend slightly( and I do mean slightly) was being rounded upon and having new meanings read into my reply. (maybe it needed to be put in more simplistic terms?)

 So I shall "lean back and relax", which I usually do anyway, and contemplate why I even bothered posting  and expressing a view. I will just sit back, vote in the polls and read the posts of the senior  and veteran members and remain destined to forever be a "newbie" - NOT --- LOL

-- Edited by territory on Monday 25th of October 2010 10:10:35 PM


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We NSW addressed pensioners are afforded free registrtion on a vehicle (one per pensioner that is). So as a couple we have the tug registered in one name & the van in the other. Now, in a State with 5 reverse gears & 1 forward gears, this is probably the only advantage of having a NSW address. Open for debate if there are any others some one has found.

regards Terry


Chris & Terry

3.2lt 4 x 4 Mazda BT 50, single cab chas with full alloy canopy

Jayco Silverline 21'.6''

The Master

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Sorry territory, my comment wasn't aimed at you. You comment was very clear. Some people just like making everything difficult or more complex than it really is.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open






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I chose to edit and remove this post. 

-- Edited by Ma on Wednesday 27th of October 2010 03:20:41 AM


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Thanks HW but no apology needed or looked for. My reply was a bit tongue in cheek. re rockylizards poll it was interesting how the results changed over time- it looked at first like nsw was the biggest (surprising) but they have now come back to more like you would probably expect with perhaps more in nsw than i thought. Would be interesting to compare the results of a van rego poll compared to tug but no real way of guaranteeing a direct comparison. Because of my own situation I have often wondered how legal my situation is but dealing with 2 state govt departments its difficult to get a definitive answer. Each is legal on it's own, but together - who knows -bring on national rego.
Chris and Terry -would love to take advantage of that but have still got a few years to reach the magic age to be able to do so

Ma ???



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territory wrote:

Interesting question -if you meant tow vehicle i voted nsw - if you meant van i would vote vic - both legal (i think) as I live in nsw but have a registered business in vic and am a  landowner and ratepayer in both states would think there are quite a few with tug an van registered in different states given the ridiculous nsw van rego

-- Edited by territory on Sunday 24th of October 2010 07:55:44 PM

I think you should check the legality of this situation !   In Victoria our vans do not have third party insurance (CTP) in the rego.  Our car registration covers any trailer which is being towed.
  So if you are towing with an interstate registered vehicle your van may not be covered for third party insurance. (and therefore illegal) I believe the van ins is included in the van rego and not the car rego in NSW?  That is why there is a massive difference in the price of van rego. 
An at-fault incident involving your van could be costly!


 (I may be wrong, hope I am)

-- Edited by iant on Wednesday 27th of October 2010 11:55:20 PM



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You are spot on Ian all these trick are all right till you get caught I n Queensland you have 14 days to change your rego if your home address change from state to state that a lone your caravan in one state and tug in another it is when there is an accident and all this is pick up the sh-t hit the fan is when all your trouble start



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I spent more than 2 years in Cairns and did not change my rego on the car or van.
They're still registered in WA.
I have comprehensive insurance on the car, and even when I had a prang in town I didn't have any problems. No one was injured in the run in with a little red car, so the Police didn't want to know.
As I'm considered to be totally itinerant with no fixed address, there doesn't seem to be the pressure to change the rego every time you change states.
It would be a full time job to keep up with it.
When you have a home base it might be different, but for full time nomads with now home based address, there's no pressure to change.
As long as you're registered.
I can't think of any circumstances when the van would be the cause of a prang unless it became unhooked and ran loose.
My van is rego'd and insured.
Bring on national rego!!!


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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Granny you have been luckly but the law is the law you may have got away with it but we must let people know they are running a risk by not following like Grumpy found out with his spot light , the Judge wont take any notice when some body say Granny did it for 2 years and no body stop her



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In NSW the pensioner concession allows one free "registration cost" of a vehicle only.
The CTP (Compulory Third Party) is seperate and is still required each year when renewing the vehicle rego. The van does not require CTP as this is covered by the towing vehicle.
However once you unhook, any personal injury' caused by the van,to third parties would need to be covered by other insurance.
This is what i believe, but check if you have any doubts.


-- Edited by jandas fun on Thursday 28th of October 2010 01:28:05 PM


There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.

Just Lovenit.

Wentworth Falls NSW

The Master

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Its time we protested about rego in different states, so many different rules and prices we can't work them out at all.

My son who has a Qld drivers license tried to buy a Harley Davidson (new) doen in Vic, they won't sell it to him as he has a Qld license. They are losing a $30,000 sale.

I lived up in Qld for just on a year about 6 years ago kept my Vic license and car rego.

There should be one over all states, same license, same rego and the state you buy it in would keep the funds if that is all they are worried about.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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If you don't pay your rego in the State you chose live you are ripping off your friends who live in that state , you drive on their roads and give the money to a state which road you don't drive on how is that fair beats me


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Both my tug & van have there rego in S. A. So what you are telling me Terry is if i spend 6 months in QLD & 6 months in Vic I should have rego in QLD then Vic. I would go broke if not potty changing my rego and licenses.










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No but if you have a home address thats is where you should have you rego , most have a home base somewhere we should not just find the cheapest state and pay rego there



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brickies wrote:

If you don't pay your rego in the State you chose live you are ripping off your friends who live in that state , you drive on their roads and give the money to a state which road you don't drive on how is that fair beats me

In my case I live in NSW, own a business in Vic -spend more time and drive more kilometres in Vic, have my van and one car rego'd(and garaged) in Vic and 2 cars and 2 trailers rego'd in NSW - fairly evenly spread I would have thought. Using your logic brickies would you have everybody who is travelling around this country for an extended period of time change their rego to the state they are in at the time - would/ do you change yours? i don't think so!  A case for national rego again. In the greater scheme of things, every driver in any state, who lives in another state, is doing exactly what you say is not fair. it all evens out. Would you rather we pay our rego for the state we live in and further taxes to drive in another state- be careful, in this day and age you may just get what you ask for!!




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I didn't say that I said you should pay the rego in the state your address is most people have a base , I have stated that in Queensland you have 14 days to change you rego if your permeant address changes and that is the law so if a police officer check your license and your rego and it dose not match you have a problem if you have a business and have a register in another state that is a different matter , what I am talking is people deliberately working the system It like drink driving you may get away with it for a while but one day you will get caught

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