I'm in Echuca. Photos I took yesterday. They parked themselves all over my car overnight and left behind little shats. I got hit in the mouth with one just before and the dog has brought a couple inside to play with.
Daughter works with DPI in Mildura. Has been working on Locust rotations for months. Around there they are starting to fly and can't be sprayed once they are flying. Look out here they come!!!!!
Warm soapy water should do it milo. I was caught in 30 ks of locust Sept of last year just north of Jerilderie, stopped in town to wash the windscreen and when I got home put the car through the laser car wash, got rid of it all. Will do the same on Wednesday, payday, to get rid of the shat on there now.
Although I have had little experience with the blighters in plague props,make sure you cover your radiator to avoid overheating because they can clag it up,a section of medium density shadecloth is fine.Have just come through Quorn,Burra and on to Mildura and they're about without being plague proportions,although as of today,they are in the Echuca/Tongola area supposedly a band of 25 k's and up to 500ms above ground according to the pundits and common sense needs to be used.They reckon that Melbourne could be a target. If you have not experienced plague locusts..be prepared,you may have almost no visibility,and without protection(well,we should all know this,you know what I mean)we can get ourselves into strife. Be aware and be careful..they can be a serious threat to travellers let alone our crop growing friends on the land. Be Safe David
David (going solo) Landcruiser and Coromal Capri 600
Whatever works best Gerty. They are greasy little blighters and leave blood and guts really stuck to the paint work..
I would hose the vehicle first to wet all areas and help loosen them a bit. Then a bucket of warm or hot, what ever you normally use, with soap, being it carwash or something else if necessary. When all off hose again. From memory last year I used the brand name car wash that is in a yellow bottle with black lid, can't remember the name. It also has a mate in orange bottle with black lid that is the polish.
hi milo, the best way to remove them blood guts and all. All that is required is to spray the area with windex walk in side and make a cuppa, when finished you just wash them off eazy. All the show and shine people do this trick and it really works just like magic.