Pleased to meet all who frequent this site. Have been reading through past posts and am staggered by the depth of knowledge and wisdom provided by both seasoned and new-comer travellers. Keep it up. Wifey and I are looking at retiring towards the end of 2011 and hope to travel periodically for as long as bodies/minds can cope. Hopefully 6 months a year on the road, spread over many trips with varying lengths, with the other 6 months holed-up at home in central Victoria, trying to keep a garden and house intact. Haven't yet bought the horse and buggy but this years caravan shows are surely going to be of interest. Hope that we cross paths somewhere or someplace in the near future. Best wishes to all, Marilyn and Rob
Thanks for the welome Gert. Floods haven't personally been a problem, but have had to travel through affected areas for work and it isn't a pretty sight. Our hearts go out to those affected. Who would want to be a farmer! Best wishes, Marilyn and Rob
Thanks to everyone for their warm welcome. Still early in the planning phase at this time but we hope that time flies just as quickly through this stage as it has over past years and then magically slows down once we hit the road. Highly unlikely I know, just wishful thinking. I am sure though, that once we do hit the road, even if time still flies, we will feel like the clock has been turned back and our minds will be rejuvinated, even if our bodies beg to differ.
Hi thomas01,welcome,hubby and I have just bought a 1988 Windsor 20' we were hoping
to be on the road by now but our house hasn't sold yet so we will have to be content with short trips till then.We retired 3 years ago but went back to work,still can't figure out why?? Enjoy your travels and who knows,we might meet somewhere down the track.