Hi Wombat - just a change of topic - you sound pretty handy with camera & also with support programs, I for one would like you to do a photo tips section. What you did with that photo was great, any chance you would do that....... ps: best tip I got when I purchased my new camera & took my first photo of a couple of family members, was to take the lens cap off !!!!!!!! bugger.
I will do a topic about travel across the Nullabor when I get back from this trip, not worth starting another topic until we return.
It's always a good idea to remove the lens cover and make sure you have film or a card in the camera. lol
I'm not even clever enough to put a photo of Dero and I up, so Wombat, I was really enjoying your talents, and, as has been said, it's very sad to think there are small minded people out there. Bet, if a vote was taken on the enjoyment you were supplying, it would come up Many, many, to a few. Cheers dellie
? as usual i seem to have missed something. Thought your animations were clever and entertaining. Thanks for the 'how to post pics" post. Although i have done it in the past, i always have trouble remembering how to do it. Must cut down on the meds.
Have added that post to my favourites. Just have to remember that its there.
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
? as usual i seem to have missed something. Thought your animations were clever and entertaining. Thanks for the 'how to post pics" post. Although i have done it in the past, i always have trouble remembering how to do it. Must cut down on the meds.
Have added that post to my favourites. Just have to remember that its there.
Hi Johnw,
u did not miss much.
Dellie May said they did not know how to post pics so I though I would help them out, it's really for the newbie's, but as you say it is easy to forget, yep the cocaine does that to your head. lol
To remember I find it easy to just put a post it note on the laptop screen, but eventually I cannot see the screen, oh well there are drawbacks to every great idea.
Wombat..... Thank you very much. Now all I have to do is get Dero working on it. LOL Seriously mate, I do thank you, and I will learn. In the meantime, please keep sharing your talents, and bugger all the knockers... Cheers Dellie