If at all possible, try to get copy of the book, "The Nullabor Story." If heading West to East, it takes you from Perth to Pt. Augusta. There is some fasinating history out there. I wrote to the SA and WA governments re. the Eucla telegraph station, saying that it was a dreadful shame that it was allowed to be "swallowed" by sand. (The sand hills moved because of the rabbit "invasion", pre 1900.) Anyway, take the time to walk right down to the Southern Ocean, and look at the old wharf that supplies were brought into Eucla. There used to be a railway line running from Houpton to Eucla. Just West of the station was where they reared horses for the Indian Army. As a result of both SA and WA post office staff contacting their govt. departments, re. the rabbit plague coming from the East, both Adelaide and Perth sent a couple of boatloads of pussy cats to kill the bunnies. The cats didn't stop the rabbits, but proceeded to eat all the small wild life on the plain. Caution, there are some really big "moggies" out there. Regards