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Post Info TOPIC: Myrtle is Home!!

The Master

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Posts: 12473
RE: Myrtle is Home!!

I've just put up my Grey Nomads sticker and also bought and put up a new Purple Nanna with Attitude sticker. I will keep an eye out for a purple turtle sticker. Just searched Ebay, none there.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Hi Marj

I just Googled "sticker of purple turtle" and several sites came up.

I had a look at some but I thought the site was the best of the bunch as they had a few different ones.

hope it's what you are looking for.

Cheers. Pam. (aka Travel Bug)

p.s. Sorry that I can't manage to post a link here. I must be doing something wrong. confuse


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.


The Master

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Posts: 12473

No worries Pam, will go google and have a look. Will check zazzle.

Sheba, love your Outrageous Older Woman sticker.

-- Edited by Happywanderer on Sunday 20th of March 2011 04:25:58 PM


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Hi Marj , just been looking at the site as posted above
and found you might want to custom make your own bumper sticker,
that way you can put what ever you want on it..


The Drewsterz my band site

Milo Online  my personal site

Love what you do  Do what you Love!!   my motto in life !


The Master

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Posts: 12473

Been in and had a look, some good ones there, will keep looking.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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milo wrote:

Hi Marj , just been looking at the site as posted above
and found you might want to custom make your own bumper sticker,
that way you can put what ever you want on it..

That's what I did for my "Dragon Wagon" Stickers Marj.   [No I haven't gotten around to putting them on yet.  Will try this week.]

Found a Pic I liked, and got some-one to make what I wanted.  Cost around $66 for the 2.  [1 Large, & I Small.]


-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 20th of March 2011 04:47:37 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.


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I'm lucky to have a friend of a friend who made mine for me. I'm currently waiting for a Gypsy for my camper trailer. Only costs me $20 for each.

-- Edited by Beth54 on Sunday 20th of March 2011 08:10:25 PM


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Posts: 12473

I like the Lucy one Beth. Might get a Happy Wanderer one to go along the of the van somewhere.

About time you put it on so we can all see it Sheba.

And I promise to take photos of mine tomorrow.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Posts: 12473

I have just ordered a couple of stickers from a site I found. Was able to create my own purple Happy Wanderer sticker, only 6.00 . Also a gorgeous turtle, multi coloured floral shell with purple in it $5.00 A total of 13.50 including postage.
Decided to google after milos suggestion. The site I found was . Some great stuff on there.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Congratulations Marge, Myrtle looks great. Many happy times coming up !!!!!


Senior Member

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Marj there's a shop here in Tocumwal called the purple turtle, not sure what it sells will check it out today smile


Happy & Safe travelling



The Master

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Posts: 12473

Thats so funny gilly, I wonder what it sells. Could be anything from florist to a tattoo parlour. The mind boggles.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Happywanderer wrote:

I have just ordered a couple of stickers from a site I found. Was able to create my own purple Happy Wanderer sticker, only 6.00 . Also a gorgeous turtle, multi coloured floral shell with purple in it $5.00 A total of 13.50 including postage.
Decided to google after milos suggestion. The site I found was . Some great stuff on there.

Seems I'm getting ripped off. no Dammit! Oh well, done now. shrug.gif


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Posts: 12473

My purple glitter stars for the southern cross arrived in the mail today. its raining so won't go out and put them on today. As soon as its fine again.

Bought a bed for Punky at the bargain shop today, its just the soft round one with a cushion in it and a lower bit on the front. 14.99. The size smaller was 29.99 so got a bargain. That will sit on top of the foam cushion I made up and she should be able to see out the window. Just have to work out how to secure it with the seat belt to the back of the seat so it doesn't move. Have a few Occy straps here so will use one of those as well if necessary.

Have you been in to look at cafepress site Beth. Lots of good stuff.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Yes, checking them out Marj. I'd like one of those 'tailgating' stickers. Maybe the one that says, 'if you drive too close, I'll only go slower'. Or 'you can get as close as you want, but I'm not going to go any faster'.



Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

There's some beautys there Beth. On the home page to the right hand side is where you click to go in and make up your own.

-- Edited by Happywanderer on Monday 21st of March 2011 06:53:29 PM


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

OK! Have been packing the van with all the permanent stuff. So far have all my bedding, roll up table and chairs, little gas cooker with spare gas canisters, kitchen stuff from cutlery, unbreakable crockery, pots and pans, cups and plastic mugs, teatowels, cleaning stuff from dishwash liquid to sponges. Portaloo and deoderiser. Sturdy stool (needed for putting up canopy etc). Punky's seating is sort of done. Some small tins of baked beans, cream corn, tuna, salmon, and Rice Meal packs.

If it stays fine tomorrow I am going to go to Bunnings, park away from the others in their huge carpark, put the pop top up, get a coffee from their cafe, and mend the little rip in the canvas. Easier to do it there than in my park here where there are trees all around and nosy neighbours. Was going to do it Monday but it rained and didn't want to put poptop up in the rain and would be wet when it went down again.

How am I doing? I wake up every morning thinking I have no idea what I'm supposed to pack. I don't want too much to cart around but I don't want to forget anything that might be necessary.
Slowly getting there, Waiting for S. in L. to check out gas and fridge when he gets some free time.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




Senior Member

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Posts: 370

Marj it sounds like you're just about ready to go, don't forget to pack the wine and wine glasses :) I found they were the most important item when I finally stopped at my first camp.............


Happy & Safe travelling




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Hi Marj ..

I've been following your activities from a distance .. congratulations with your efforts. With all the advice you were given there was very little I could have added ..
Maybe one small thing .. dont worry about whether or not you have packed everything needed. You will find that you adjust accordingly as you move .. maybe you forgot laundry detergent .. big deal .. can get it next time when you stop in a town to top up with fuel ..
Its something we all develop to suit ourselves .. sure .. some do it better than others .. but its really only on-the-job training ..

oh .. in reference to Gilly's statement about wine and wine glasses .. so very important .. really it is .. even if you dont drink it , we will when we drops in ..



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Master (of Mischief)

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Congrats HW, put ALL of that bad stuff away and look forward to your future travel's I am sure you will enjoy yourself.

only on here for 2 hours, no only got 1 hour left, we are @ Mildura strat heading home 2morrow, a couple of weeks and we will be home for a rest. lol





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Forget something...............plenty of OP shops around.
I forgot to take a jumper when we went to NSW coast recently, picked one up for $1 at the salvo's in Ulladulla. Can't beat them prices.



Port Noarlunga SA

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

The Master

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Posts: 12473

Hi wombat, Hope you have had a great trip. I see you just got out of down south in time. All flooded and 300 campers stranded.
Gary and kerry, love op shopping so thats not a problem. I'm sure there is something I will forget.
Johnathon, Have a pack of Napisan to use for washing, still have to get myself a good lidded bucket, heard Charcoal Chicken sell enpty ones.
Wine, tick.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Marj, with you travelling solo, you maybe able to do your wash on the go!!

If the lidded bucket you buy is a good sturdy one, you could half fill it with water, throw in some detergent and clothes and let them wash as you travel. Save you both time and money. smile

Some sort of fabric softner is good to take too mate, the wather in some places leaves your clothes as stiff as boards and you don't want to have to iron now do you. biggrin

You are having a blast aren't you.

How will you mend the tear mate?


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.


The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

Firefly, I've been to the local canvas repair guy, he's actually the same guy who put the poptop on for the previous owner, renewed it I should say. He's given me all the stuff I need to mend it. Have to lightly sew it to gether then glue on the piece of canvas he gave me.
That was my intentione with the lidded bucket but thanks for the hint about fabric softnener, Never had to use it here as we have really good water.
By the way, I don't iron, won't even be taking one with me. That's like hard work.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Firefly wrote:

Marj, with you travelling solo, you maybe able to do your wash on the go!!

If the lidded bucket you buy is a good sturdy one, you could half fill it with water, throw in some detergent and clothes and let them wash as you travel. Save you both time and money. smile

Some sort of fabric softner is good to take too mate, the wather in some places leaves your clothes as stiff as boards and you don't want to have to iron now do you. biggrin

You are having a blast aren't you.

How will you mend the tear mate?

If you use liquid wool wash, no need to rinse, saves water



Port Noarlunga SA

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

Really Gary and Kerry? Do you mean you just wash (clothes) in it and take out, no rinsing, then hang out to dry. That is worth a try.
Will add that to my list.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Happywanderer wrote:

Really Gary and Kerry? Do you mean you just wash (clothes) in it and take out, no rinsing, then hang out to dry. That is worth a try.
Will add that to my list.

Hi Happywanderer, Gary and Kerry are on the money with using wool detergent, yep, no rinsing all those suds away and washed while you travel.


The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

Definitely will get some ozi2. Will make washing clothes so much easier.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Posts: 12473

Punky and what will be her seat when travelling.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 12473

Went over to Bunnings today, sat in the parking lot with a coffee and coffee scroll and mended the tear. Took about an hour with the waiting for the glue to do its thing. By the time I had finished the wind had come up and just got the top down before it started to rain.
Took some photos while waiting for the glue, hope it has worked and doesn't come off next time I put the top up.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




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