stressed hot and tired but so happy that I've arrived safely, all plain sailing from here I reckon (a few bities here, I guess it because its close to the river so glad I packed the aerogard) Not many people here at the moments so no one to chat to seems to be a lot of permanents but is a lovelly park I got a nice roomy drive through site saved me the reversing dramas
When my parents were alive we used to visit them in Berrigan, but stay at Finley... just 13 miles north and worth a little day trip if you have time in your plans. Not a bad little c'park there too. I went to have a look at my old school in Finley and got lost last year, the town has grown, things have changed (for the better thankfully) and my memory isnt as good as I thought it was.
Enjoy "Toc" Gilly... lotsa people have been there, safe and sound, since that murder over 30 years ago.
I'm staying one more night Marj will decide today where to go next, they're forcasting rain for the next couple of days so probably won't drive far until it clears.
Gerty I will have a drive to Finley today to have a look. sometimes its quite a shock to see places you have fond childhood memories of but I guess thats progress :(
Thanks for your kind wishes Travel Bug much appreciated :)