Bit of damage done to the car I assume after crossing that water feature !!
Suppose thats all part of the fun of extreme 4 wheel driving .
Heaps of $$$$$$$$$$$ in repairs.
Guy I work with, was enthusiasticly telling us a few months ago, of a weekend away. With 5 vehicles in their 4x4 club. They ran up $8000.00 in repairs between them.
Hmmmm, and he was still thrilled and excited about it. Could not wait for the next trip !!
More fun than betting on horses I suppose, or the demon drink.
I've been through there Milo, and it's as scary as it looks. Although I must admit, I got out and did the filming. Alas, I don't have the video to post. When I left the psycopath ex, I left him with all the vidoes and photo's.