Would rather take something that a person works bloody hard to get than get off their A.R.S.E.S. and get out and get a job and earn their own money and buy their own stuff.
I know what I'd like to do to them IF they are ever caught but you can't print that sort of stuff on here!!!!!!
What do you think Pete, if they catch the mongrels they could use them as "Yabbie bait"
The worst thing about this type of story is with the van being behind 6foot fences and a closed gate, you'd feel it was pretty secure. Bring back the cat-o-nine tails I say......
Besides the scum bags involved in taking these poor peoples van, people should be cranky with our justice system, its constantly letting us down as a community. I'm not talking about the Police, in my opinion they certainly do a very good job mostly & under very difficult circumstances at times, what I'm prattling on about is the Judicial part of the system. Well known grubs and people that just shouldnt get off so lightly are constantly returned to the community after a wrist slap or less. The real buggas here are these out of touch Magistrates, Judges and blooody civil libiterians.
Please forgive me for my strong language.
I also hope these poor people get their van & this mans medical equipment back ASAP, so they can continue on their way.
Yeah pretty sad.I suppose chaining it up would have only stopped them momentarily. Perhaps we can make the culprits drag the van for the people who own it........
Besides the scum bags involved in taking these poor peoples van, people should be cranky with our justice system, its constantly letting us down as a community. I'm not talking about the Police, in my opinion they certainly do a very good job mostly & under very difficult circumstances at times, what I'm prattling on about is the Judicial part of the system. Well known grubs and people that just shouldnt get off so lightly are constantly returned to the community after a wrist slap or less. The real buggas here are these out of touch Magistrates, Judges and blooody civil libiterians.
Please forgive me for my strong language.
I also hope these poor people get their van & this mans medical equipment back ASAP, so they can continue on their way.
I agree with most of the comments made but would just like to add that I know a magistrate who gave a low life a stiff sentence and he got pulled over the coals over it and the low life was brought back into court in front of another magistrate and given a lighter sentence so it may not be all what it seems in the courts either I would love to know who pulls the strings at the back of all this. Maybe money again Helena.
Those poor people...You know, A solisitor friend said... It's not a court of justice...it's a court of law!! Big difference. A bloody good old fashion flogging is an idea. Work for their own stuff.
I have been a copper for almost thirty years but I still cannot work out how some sh*^bags' minds work. A couple of years ago here in Cairns a vehicle was stolen by a couple of young boofheads and taken for a joyride which resulted in the vehicle being destroyed (ended up sunk in a canal). That would be bad enough but the vehicle was fitted out with wheelchair slings and shackles, had a very expensive and custom fitted motorised wheelchair in the back and was full of oxygen equipment and other medical odds and bits.
Did it enter the tiny minds of the mongrels having a great time wrecking the vehicle that some poor little bugger would be immobilised due to their actions? Not likely.
Luckily the community rallied and all the gear was replaced.
I agree with most of the comments made but would just like to add that I know a magistrate who gave a low life a stiff sentence and he got pulled over the coals over it and the low life was brought back into court in front of another magistrate and given a lighter sentence so it may not be all what it seems in the courts either I would love to know who pulls the strings at the back of all this. Maybe money again Helena.
You know what then Helena, whoever that person is that was pulling the strings on the magistrate, I'd like to put my number 12's right up his old khyber pass!
Theres too much nonesense going on these days & as Ma says above, People use to respect the Police & the rules back then & if you didnt, you got the ole steel caps right in the spinchter.
Too many cuddly doo gooding types around these days.