A lovely little town considering what they have been through Jim. They are trying really hard to attract the tourist dollar. The free camp we stayed at on the river has toilets and showers (donations). Bins emptied regular by the council and the ammenities cleaned three times a week.
We spent money in the town on food etc, all lovely people. I highly recommend it.
There was a caravan accident there a couple of days ago, very nasty. Can't find it on the news anywhere, we came across the van on the way home. Jayco Sterling, not much left I am afraid.
Hope the travellers in it are ok.
I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.
That's a popular campsite there, I've seen it almost full. I've seen a nasty truck accident coming down the Isla Gorge escarpment before you come into Theodore. How did get from the Gully to Theo, did you go via Miles or did you cut across from Roma to Taroom?
Esmeralda, my brother has a caravan like yours. His is quite old and he didn't pay much for it, because he wanted to modify it to his liking. He raised it and put big fat wheels under it, and checkerplate around etc. So now it looks like a regular off road caravan.