Had a very pleasant hour this afternoon giving my 17yo grandaughter a driving lesson, she is picking it up quiet well, she has professional lessons but the extra practise helps.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
See my four grandsons all the time - when they don't go fishing (the three younger ones twins 11, one nearly 13) - love their fishing - in local creek catfching spangled perch, and other fish I can't remember - head down at 7.30 am - keen as mustard!!! Nearly 17 year old stays at my house about every second weekend - I live closer to town than his house - so can see his mates all the time. They make life worthwhile - come to visit - impromptu bbq cooked by them - and they clean up!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Have Three G/daughters I G /Son living next door and love every minute of been part of their lives . Have another 5 Grand kids and three GG children in Townsville but don't get to see much of them unless I'm in the area
Starting teaching the oldest G/D here to fly on the weekend and although I say it myself she is a natural, has the touch down pat once she gets a few more hours up in fixed wing I'll step her up to Rotary Wing and I have no doubt she will be a natural at it also Stupid isn't it she can fly but they won't let her drive a car yet
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times
Have 3 of those myself..... 10, 10, &6. I agree....positives in our lives. Just love those moments!!!
Hi guys, I have 5 young grandchildren all of whom are the joy of my life. As you know I recently received the "bad news"from my Dr and use by date; my eldest grandson (8yrs) said he would pray for me everynight. He rang me the next day to say he was pleased that I was still alive. Truely, it was a priceless and hilarious moment.
Between us Blue and I have 16 grandchildren with number 17 due any hour now. We also have 4 great grandies. Love them all to bits, unfortunately don't see all of them anymore and some of them only sometimes, but it doesn't stop you loving them ALL all of the time.
I have four grandchildren - girl 20 going on 21, boy 19, boy 17 going on 18, boy 15 going on 16. Used to granddaughter to dancing lessons from 4-16 and saw her every week but much less now. I can tell that she has been here while I have been away - hair in the bathroom and bits of fur all through the unit - I think she has been sewing something - and I think she will be coming back to vacumn it up (well maybe)!! Dont often see the middle two, but see the youngest regularly on his way to or from hockey (with his mother) - he is a bit of a hockey star and his ambition is to represent Australia in Olympics and Comm Games and he is certainly working at it.
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
I don't see my 4 grandchildren since we seem to have set the precedent for the dysfunctional family to a whole new level. I love them all, but it doesn't seem to be returned. They are all alive, well and happy, and having been where we have, that's a good thing. I'm happy with that.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
My family in general, are a big positive in my life. I have 3 children, 3 siblings, 2 nephews, 3 nieces, 3 great nephews, and 1 great niece. And I couldn't wish for a better daughter-in-law.
Grandson, just turned 13, from my daughter, and almost 2 year old grand-daughter to my eldest son. I see them heaps, thank goodness. I couldn't bear to not see them regularly. Love them to bits!
Love having the grandkids have 2 boys and 2 girls .Girls are horsemad and love nana teaching them to ride will have to get a pee wee 50 to have fun with the boys next