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Post Info TOPIC: Back Home - Myrtle used another 3 litres of oil.

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RE: Back Home - Myrtle used another 3 litres of oil.

Marg... I admire you!!! No giving up in you, is there.
Hang in there mate. Cheers Dellie



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Quite a mystery HW you will evenutally get it sorted and then there will be no holding you off on your next adventure. Helena.


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Glad to see you are home safely, now that was what I really call a shake down trip, I am sure you will get it all sorted.


The Master

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Well, I at least managed to be away 5 weeks even if I planned it to be 3 months. Nearly halfway.

You guys do give me a good laugh. As some will know from the initial threads when buying Myrtle. The RACV is situated in the offices of the car yard where I bought Myrtle.
The guts of it all is I spent nearly $3,000 over the purchase price to get Myrtle on the road, with my own mechanic, and still it all failed with running out of oil completely after the first 1600 ks. Only found after the oil light coming on north of Dalby, till then I had no idea where to even find the dipstick let alone assume it would be the wrong one.
Some interesting reading for the new ones who don't know the full story.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Marj, tomorrow, after you have had a good rest, are you going down to pay the mechanic a "friendly" visit?? smile




 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.


The Master

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Not sure what to do yet Pam. Its not his fault its using so much oil but at the same time surely there were some checks he should have done when he checked it over for me before I bought it. Some sort of compression tests etc.
First I have to empty her out and do a pile of washing, find the rest of the food and refill my pantry with the left overs as although payday was today the balance after paying my normal bills has been used in getting home.
Thank goodness I'm going to my sisters on a free ticket train next Tuesday or Wednesday, there will be enough food in her cupboard till my next payday.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Marj, I agree that it's not his fault (entirely), but as he did both the pre purchase check and all of the work afterwards...and took quite a while to do it... he should know Myrtle and her workings well enough to be on more than a first name basis with her. Surely he should have some clue about the problem.

It sure has made life interesting for doubt about that smile


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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jules47 wrote:

I might drive down to Vic later in year (maybe), and might come past Echuca, call in for a cuppa?

Any idea maybe what month Jules ?  Been thinking of going down for a visit myself.  How would you feel about company on the way ?

Just a thought.




An it harm none, do what you will.


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Everything I might have suggested has already been said Marj, in particular about the RACV check.   And I do think that should have been picked up in the "Inspection" that was done.  I know I wouldn't be very happy about it.

Glad you're home safe and sound though. 

Gee whizz.  You're up to Page 2 already.  Must be some sort of record.



-- Edited by Sheba on Wednesday 25th of May 2011 11:24:26 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.


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When you're in Geelong give us a ring and I'll come in and have a cuppa with you.!!!!!!!

Robyn & Ted  Livin' Dream


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Marj! Are you sure you have the sump plug screwed in firmly.....sorry Marj could'nt help it!!!


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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g/day,  if  the car /anycar was using/burning that much oil in that littletime /or distance you would have to notice it (the blue  fog following you  or  a small cloud  after  its been idling for a while, sounds more like a leak at the rear  main seal  ,  the oil leaking  from it is blown awaywhile you are  traveling.  and  you  dont always see  obvious drips under the  car, try  looking under and along  the  chassis  to see if there is oily film along it.asfor the back firing . the timing  needs adjusting , a small  job, having  both these probs  at once is a coincedence  one is not related to  the other.still a pain in the butt tho . im sure you will  get it sorted  hope all  goes well for you .



Master (of Mischief)

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HW, good to see that you are home safe, now in regards to Myrtle can you go back to the place you purchased it from and ask for the contact details of the previous owner, he/she maybe able to throw some light on the problem or get a compression test done asap, the backfiring has to be the timing slipped, that also needs checking asap.

You take care and enjoy yourself down south.




The Master

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Morning wombat. I have the contact details of the previous owner and will be ringing him as soon as I'm unpacked. It might save a lot of time and money if he had the right answers.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open






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Had a Mazda E2000 campervan at one stage and it was backfiring (on the Stuart Highway near Glendambo) turned out the points in the Distributor had come loose. Readjusted and reset, no more backfiring.........As said by Wombat and others probably the timing. Anyway, get it checked out. Without going back over past long threads, are you a member of the RACV? Either your mechanic (family member?) who checked it over may be the first place to start if you don't have any warranty cover on the van but I would still try the RACV first to get an idea of what the problem is. If your not in the RACV I would be, they have saved my bacon that many times its not funny and even those with mechanical experience cannot carry a full range of tools to cover every occasion on long trips etc.

PS:  Our posts crossed over Marj, didn't see your last reply until I posted.....wink



-- Edited by Vic on Thursday 26th of May 2011 10:10:21 AM



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".

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Hey HW - glad to see you made it home OK. Would definitely be at the mechanics asap. Have a good tine in Geelong, lovely around the foreshore there. Will definitely make it over to Echuca in the next month or so and would love to catch up for a coffee.



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!

The Master

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Hi Esmerelda. Will be staying on the foreshore, my sister and her hubby live along the Eslpanade. Will be walking the dog along there twice a day. I stay there often as this is their 2nd house along there over the years.

Ok, I rang the previous owner. He was shocked to say the least, couldn't believe it was using oil, said it had never done in the past. Maybe had to top up every few thousand ks as you can expect for a vehicle that age. But no it was not using oil like it is now.
He had a feeling the speedo might not have been ticking over as it should, just wondered but hadn't realised it really was so to speak. He can't do anything to help he said except advise maybe get rid of it quick. Yeh right.
What does that tell you.
He can't believe so much has gone wrong with it as it was going so well when he had it. Said there was nothing wrong with the in house battery, worked perfectly when he last used it as did everything else. He is shocked so much is playing up.
He also said the caryard definitely ripped the canvas in the poptop I had to repair as it was new and no rips when he traded it in.

Had neighbours come out this morning. One knowledgeable male and the gardener both looked at the exhaust and ran their finger around the inside. Very black and dirty. suggested it is using oil out the exhaust bigtime. I asked what that means. Motors stuffed.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Posts: 12473

I'm off out to check the oil from my just over 400 ks trip yesterday.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Posts: 12473

Looks like it needs another litre. I've put half litre in and come back inside to put load of washing on line. About to go out so will see if it needs the other half before I go.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




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I had an issue with my old cruiser some years ago.  Was using a bit of oil but not smoking to any degree.  No oil on the ground when parked etc.   What there was was a film of oil over the rear bumper and windows etc of the vehicle.  What was happening was the oil was leaking out of a main engine seal only when the engine was running and working.  The oil makes its way under wind pressure, down around the gearbox, the bottom of the car and everything else underneath and then to the rear of the car when it is largely atomised by the wind to the road behind the car with a little bit being sucked back onto the car by the wind. 

Have you checked completely under the vehicle for signs of oil such as this?

Just a thought.




Pauline and Ian   Burrum Heads Queensland


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Happywanderer wrote:

Looks like it needs another litre. I've put half litre in and come back inside to put load of washing on line. About to go out so will see if it needs the other half before I go.


Not that it helps .... it only adds to the confusion in some way ....but if the previous owner rarely gave it oil changes ... and your mechanic did a good job and changed the oils/s and used a good modern detergent oil ... it may have just cleaned out the build-up of 'gunk' in the motor - rings etc - and this could explain why it 'suddenly' began to use oil.

Anyway. it is time to move forward (sorry Julia) ..... life is for looking ahead.





2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

The Master

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No RockyLiazrd, he said it was regularly serviced, just that he rarely had to top up oil in between services.

Was intending to go out this arvo. She spluttered so badly down my street, that I went around the block a couple of times giving her a good rev in the hope she would clear to a smooth sound. She didn't so I came back home and parked her.
When on the road I would quickly get up to a smooth running speed which I can't in a 40 k area. Tomorrow if warmer will take her out on to a country road, maybe out past the mechanics.
Was worried about her stopping completely in town or crossing the bridge. So still haven't seen my daughter yet.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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No clazandaza, Can't see any sprays like that around the back and haven't been right through underneath but did notice on one of my stops, think it might have been at Kumbia after the neighbouring caravanner had been checking things out, that the power lead I had connected to the power and was lying in a coil right under the exhaust pipe, had a lot of black spots all over the lead, which would go with the black mess inside the exhaust.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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HW unleaded fuel will give you a black exhaust and most cars when starting cold will spit black gunge out at first, it's the condensation that develops in the pipe, rather than concerning yourself with what could be wrong, get your mechanic to do a compression test that will let you know if there is anything major wrong. The problem you had with the car missing could be just whatever was causing the backfiring getting worse which could be as Vic said, just the points need replacing/adjusting...


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No mystery .

If it's using that much oil and there are no leaks , it needs rings . Pure and simple .

If it ran for any length of time , short of oil , it should have new bearings as well .

In realistic speak , a complete overhaul or put another motor in it .

Bite the bullet , spend the dollars now , and you probably won't have any more troubles . They are a pretty good vehicle .

Nappies and Politicians should be changed often . For the same reason .

The Master

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Posts: 12473

Yeh Ok sandmere, will do!!!


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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If the rings needed replacing the vehicle would be blowing smoke and Marj said that it isn't, none of us are at the vehicle and we can make all the suggestions about the place.  The best thing to do is take it to someone that can check it out and tell you what is wrong.


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I'm not sure if I would be taking it back to the mechanic that you used last time either Marj.

I think maybe a second opinion is warranted.


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HW needs to return to the workshop where the initial work and checks were done in the beginning. They need to learn the problems which now exist. THEN if you don't get a satisfactory response, get a second opinion to get an accurate diagnosis.
"Compression test"! Now you're getting into the mechanical stuff. Considering you didn't know where the dip stick was when you set out, compression test is a vast learning curve negotiated.
All the best girl! Don't take any crap and make sure they explain things so you understand them. If you don't understand, keep asking questions until it's clear in your head. It's your money and safety you're protecting.
It is good to hear the former owner's report which will give you a bit of ammo in your discussion with the mechanic.


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Another way to bring up the compression in old motors is add some "Nulon". Its an oil modifyer that gets in the gaps and thickens the oil. It will give you some extra life out of the old girl, but won,t last for ever. B

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