OK so I've been on the road for a little while now and one of the things I've learned is what stuff I haven't got that I need - or, more precisely what stuff I've got that I need more of. Two such items are fresh water hose (food grade, obviously and I need another 10m at least) and grey water hose - preferably the one that's smooth inside so that it doesn't 'catch' food bits. I'll be in Bundaberg on Monday. I've tried googling it but can't find anything listed so I'm appealing to you all-knowing folks. Does anyone know of anywhere in Bundy that I could buy these items?
The food grade water hose you'll be able to get from Bunnings or an Industrial Trade supplier. They'll be a lot cheaper than an RV accessory outlet. You maybe able to get the smooth bore sullage hose from Bunnings, but I doubt it. An Indutrial Hose supplier or RV accessory outlet would probably be the best option. Best of Luck, and don't forget the Bundy Distillery tour. "Hic" Cheers ozjohn.
Retired Engineer, Ex Park Owner & Caravan Consultant. Holden 2.8 Colorado - Roma Elegance 17'6" Pop Top. Location: Mornington Peninsula Vic.
Thanks oxjohn. Are you sure about the water hose at Bunnings - when I bought the one I've got I tried Bunnings (Canberra) and they didn't stock them? But then I guess that not all Bunnings's have the same stock. I've done the Bundy rum tour before - but I don't believe that there's a rule that says that I can't do it again so yup, I'll be lining up for that one.
Defintely can get those hoses at Bunnings. I got mine here in Echuca, so Bundy will have the same. Bunnings is on the same side of the main road as the airport going into town, just past a club, can't remember its name but they share the same carpark.
I use a length of diverter hose for my sullage. It's meant for diverting washing machine waste out onto the garden. I don't think it's smooth bore but I wash it out with a bit of bleach solution and squirt the hose down it before storing in a Hosebag on the front drawbar.
A hint with the water hose is to cut the length into two lengths in a one third/two thirds ratio approx, this gives one the option of three different lengths of hose
-- Edited by jimricho on Saturday 11th of June 2011 05:32:11 PM
The heading," hoses in bundy" had a vision of just that, a long hoses in a tub of bundy and people laying in the sun. sucking on the bundy.. MMMM.. just a smile....good luck with the hoses, we use the crincle stuff for wast, like jimricho said wash it before you stow it, its that cheap you can replace it after each trip.. just dont take it home after the last camp....
Land Rover Discovery Chipped TD5 Manual ,Air Springs, Anti Sway. T.C. Auto level. Van, Roadstar 21.6 Voyager 4000 all sola powered.
If you can store your sullage hoses without having to coil them, the best by far are the ones that are smooth on the inside & out. So easy to clean in & out.
I store mine in 40mm conduit under the van. Others use bazookas across the van or motorhome. They are easily joined with small sections of smaller conduit.
A quick and convenient (but more expensive) space saving idea for the water hose is a "Flatout" one. http://www.flatoutaust.com/
However don't fall for the "Flatout" sullage hose. I must have had "sucker" stamped on my forehead the day I bought that. I've since stripped the hose off the reel and now use it to store my power cord. The hose is cluttering up a shelf in the garage and is destined for the whiz bin.
The heading," hoses in bundy" had a vision of just that, a long hoses in a tub of bundy and people laying in the sun. sucking on the bundy.. MMMM.. just a smile....good luck with the hoses, we use the crincle stuff for wast, like jimricho said wash it before you stow it, its that cheap you can replace it after each trip.. just dont take it home after the last camp....
Yeah! Dream on. LOL.
Retired Engineer, Ex Park Owner & Caravan Consultant. Holden 2.8 Colorado - Roma Elegance 17'6" Pop Top. Location: Mornington Peninsula Vic.
Thanks for all your input - and I love your imagery of the hoses into the Bundy vats!
Bunnings it is for my first stop and if I can't get what I want there I'll look further afield. Incidentally ChiChi1 I was in Bunnings at Belconnen and when I asked they said they don't stock them. Perhaps they've had a change of heart.
PeterD I think the 'Hic' comes from the purchases at the Bundy factory rather than the free samples.
make sure you get a go at the chocolate bundy rum you will never go back and you can also have it with a drizzle of cream oh its amazing i dont drink rum but i drink that rum ,in fact ive almost run out and cant buy it here only place you can get it isthe distillery